No matter if you are giving a lecture or presenting a poster, check our guidelines and learn how to properly prepare your slides, how to upload your poster and how to successfully present at UEG Week.
Access guidelines for: Oral abstract presentations
Access guidelines for: Moderated poster presentations
Access guidelines for: E-poster presentations
Guidelines for oral abstract presentations
Oral abstract presenters are kindly asked to read and follow the general guidelines and information for speakers. All oral abstract presenters are required to present in-person at UEG Week.
Please contact Verena Hartl in case you have any questions.
Presentation time is 7 minutes plus 5 minutes for audience questions and discussion. A declaration of any conflicts of interests is mandatory and must be included as first slide of each presentation. Please use the 16:9 format for your presentation slides.
Moderated poster presenters are kindly asked to read and follow the general guidelines and information for speakers. All moderated poster presenters are required to present in-person at UEG Week.
Please contact Verena Hartl in case you have any questions.
Presentation time is 3 minutes plus 3 minutes for audience questions and discussion. A declaration of any conflicts of interests is mandatory and must be included in the poster. Please use the e-poster template for your poster.
Download UEG e-poster template
All poster presenters have to upload their e-poster prior to UEG Week. The e-posters will be displayed and searchable electronically in our congress platform’s poster exhibition as well as on-site at the congress venue in the Science Lounge. After the closing of the UEG Week congress platform, all e-posters will be available via UEG Week on-demand (formerly named “Week 24/7”) in the UEG Library.
Please upload your e-poster before September 27, 2024.
Download UEG e-poster template
All presenters, whether invited faculty or abstract presenters, are required to disclose to those organising and attending meetings any relevant financial or other relationship that may lead to a potential bias during the past three years.
UEG reserves the right to review the information disclosed for potential conflicts of interest. Please note that the sole responsibility for the content of each presentation lies with the presenting author.
We recommend that you utilise scientific images from the UEG Image Hub in your presentations! This collection of high quality scientific illustrations serves as an additional resource for obtaining graphics. You are of course also welcome to include graphics obtained via other resources as you see fit.