Welcome to Gutflix!

Our online library is evolving into Gutflix, your new interactive platform for gastroenterology content. It includes UEG Week recordings, online courses, clinical practice guidelines, webinars, "Mistakes in..." articles, podcasts, webinars and more. 

Log in, click on items that interest you, and Gutflix will learn what you like to provide personalised recommendations just for you.

Access Gutflix

On-demand recordings

Enjoy unlimited on-demand access to our UEG Week and PGT recordings of the past 3 years. Access is free for all myUEG Associates, and everyone registered for the congress. 


Search European-based and English clinical practice guidelines, clinical standards, consensus, position papers and standard protocols in the field of digestive health.

Mistakes in...

Get insights from our experts on what to avoid in digestive disease research, diagnosis, and treatment. Read online or download the articles as PDF for convenient offline reading.

Online courses

All online courses organised by UEG are accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). All CME accreditation is available free of charge.