Quality of Care Initiatives

Standards & guidelines initiatives in association with UEG

We are supporting a number of standards & guidelines initiatives coordinated by our Member Societies.

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Initiatives currently in development

  • Initiatives supported in 2023
  • Initiatives supported in 2022
  • Initiatives supported in 2021
Initiatives supported in 2023
Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasms: Update and International Harmonization of the 2018 European Evidence-Based Guidelines on Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasms - EPC 

Brief description of the initiative: The aim is to harmonize the existing 5-year-old EPC/UEG "European evidence-based guidelines on pancreatic cystic neoplasms” into global, evidence-based guidelines for the management of pancreatic cystic tumours. These guidelines should result in less variation in clinical practice and improved patient outcomes. 

Project type: Guideline development 
Participating UEG Member Societies: German Pancreas Club 
Lead Coordinator:  Marc Besselink 

Management of Disorders of DGBI: UEG European Guideline on Management of Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI) in Primary Care - ESPCG 

Brief description of the initiative: The guidelines will cover the topics of: 

  • Diagnostic Criteria to consider DGBI in primary care (upper and lower GI tract). A specific reference to the positive diagnostic criteria (Rome IV) for primary care physicians 
  • Diagnostic probabilities based on the co-morbidities; they will facilitate the decision making to consider possible or not DGBI in primary care from patient history and longitudinal care. 
  • Positive diagnostic criteria (Rome IV) for primary care physicians 
  • Referral criteria to GI specialists and follow-up/shared-care between healthcare levels 
  • Quality of life (QoL) indicators/issues from the patient’s perspective (PROMs) 
  • Management strategies with a holistic approach. 
  • Biopsychosocial perspective and different levels of intervention: role of psychological support in primary care. 

The scope of each topic and PICO questions to cover the topics will be defined by the steering group and approved in an in person working group meeting. 

Project type: Guideline development 
Participating UEG Member Societies: ESNM 
Lead Coordinator:  Christos Lionis 

Pain management in Acute Pancreatitis: European guidelines on Rational Prophylactic Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors – EPC  

Brief description of the initiative: Acute pancreatitis (AP) is on the rise in Europe, with an incidence of 4.6 to 100 per 100,000. Pain is a key diagnostic feature, but its management lacks clear guidance. Recent meta-analysis found that existing guidelines have limited impact on pain management in AP, and no specific European guidelines are available. Previous guidelines from various organizations offer no recommendations on analgesic practices, and there's a notable absence of guidance for pediatric cases. Consequently, pain management in AP is often derived from general abdominal emergency protocols, using the WHO analgesic ladder, which has limitations for AP.  

Project type: Guideline development 
Participating UEG Member Societies: EPC, EDS, ESDO, ESPCG, EAGEN, EASGAR, ESPGHAN 
Lead Coordinator: Sanjay Pandanaboyana 

Proton Pump Inhibitors: European guidelines on Rational Prophylactic Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors - LGD 

Brief description of the initiative: Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) are widely prescribed globally, with 20-40% of Europeans using them for acid-related gastrointestinal issues. Concerns have arisen due to potential adverse effects, such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and Clostridioides difficile infection. Existing guidelines lack consistency, contributing to up to 20% of PPI prescriptions being deemed inappropriate. A unified guideline is crucial to streamline management, offer evidence-based recommendations, and enhance patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency in Europe. 

Project type: Guideline development 
Participating UEG Member Societies: TSG, CSG, SPG, EHMSG.MFE, IGA,EAGEN, ESNM 
Lead Coordinator:Egle Dieninyte 

Initiatives supported in 2022
European Guideline on Dysphagia - UEG, ESNM, ESGE, ESPEN, SIGE, RSGH, TSG Recommendations 

Brief description of the initiative: Despite the increasing knowledge and novelties in diagnosis and therapy, specific diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations for the management of dysphagia are lacking. The grey zones regarding the approach to dysphagia need to be addressed by a consensus process. We develop an European Guideline following the methodology recommended by the UEG Quality of Care task force (Boltin at al UEGJ 2020;8:851). 

Project type: Guideline development 
Participating UEG Member Societies: ESNM, ESGE, ESPEN, SIGE, RSGH, TSG 
Lead Coordinators:  Amir Mari, Edoardo Savarino 

Multidisciplinary European Guideline on the assessment and management of gastrointestinal outcomes following surgery for colorectal cancer (EAES/ESPCG/ESPEN/ESNM/ESSO/ESCP) 

Brief description of the initiative: There are 5 million survivors of CRC worldwide (1), with a range of unmet needs, impacting on physical, functional, psychological, and social function. Within this project, we develop two international, collaborative, multidisciplinary, methodologically rigorous guidelines on the assessment and management of the gastrointestinal symptoms after colorectal surgery, both for oncological and benign indications. 

Project type: Guideline development 
Participating UEG Member Societies: ESCP, EAES, ESPCG, ESPEN, ESNM 
Lead Coordinators:  Anke Gielen, Deena Harji 
Project outcome: Guideline for the assessment and management of gastrointestinal symptoms following colorectal surgery—A UEG/ESCP/EAES/ESPCG/ESPEN/ESNM/ESSO collaboration. Part I—Sequelae to oncological diseases, Guideline for the assessment and management of gastrointestinal symptoms following colorectal surgery—A UEG/ESCP/EAES/ESPCG/ESPEN/ESNM/ESSO collaboration. Part II—Good practice guidance | sequelae to benign diseases, available in the GI Guidelines App

European guideline on multidisciplinary management of obstructed defecation syndrome – ESCP, UEG, ESGAR, EAGEN, ESGENA, ESNM and ESPCG Consensus 

Brief description of the initiative: We aim to review the currently available best evidence on this topic and collate expertise across different specialties to establish a pan-European guideline for the multidisciplinary management of ODS. This will be a collaboration with other societies drawing expertise from the fields of gastroenterology, radiology, primary care and nursing. The guidelines will aim to provide available evidence to enable readers to make a balanced decision on management of patients affected by ODS evaluating all possible clinical scenarios.  

Project type: Guideline development 
Participating UEG Member Societies: ESCP, ESGAR, EAGEN, ESGENA, ESNM, ESPCG 
Lead Coordinator: Gaetano Gallo

Initiatives supported in 2021
European Rapid Guideline on transanal total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer: UEG and EAES recommendations

Brief description of the initiative: The objective of this rapid guideline is to develop reliable, trustworthy, pertinent, evidence-informed recommendations based on state-of-the art guideline development methodology on the use of TaTME versus laparoscopic or robotic surgery in patients with rectal cancer.

Project type: Guideline development
Participating UEG Member Societies: EAES
Lead Coordinator: Stavros Antoniou
Project outcome: UEG and EAES rapid guideline: Systematic review, meta-analysis, GRADE assessment and evidence-informed European recommendations on TaTME for rectal cancer

European Rapid Guideline on surgical management of gastroesophageal reflux disease – UEG and EAES recommendations

Brief description of the initiative: This rapid guideline aims to provide transparently developed, reliable, and evidence-informed recommendations on the different treatment options in GERD employing latest evidence synthesis methods by means of network meta-analysis and using a multiple-treatments evidence-to-decision framework.

Project type: Guideline development
Participating UEG Member Societies: EAES
Lead Coordinator: Stavros Antoniou
Project outcome: UEG and EAES rapid guideline: Update systematic review, network meta-analysis, CINeMA and GRADE assessment, and evidence-informed European recommendations on surgical management of GERD

European Guideline on prevention, assessment and treatment of surgical site infections following digestive surgery – UEG, ESCP, EAES, and SIS-E consensus

Brief description of the initiative: The aim of this joint project is to provide guidance on prevention, assessment, and management of surgical site infections after digestive surgery. An international panel, including patient representatives, will develop guidelines following rigorous guideline development methodology. The objective is to generate a solid and practical pathway that can be implemented at a global level, allowing to reduce the impact of surgical site complications on healthcare systems and on patients’ safety and wellbeing.

Project type: Guideline development
Participating UEG Member Societies: ESCP, EAES, SIS-E, ESNO
Lead Coordinator: Gianluca Pellino

European Guideline on the Diagnosis and Therapy of Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency - UEG, EPC, EDS, ESPGHAN, ESPEN, ESDO and ESPCG Recommendations

Brief description of the initiative: Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI) is a frequent and clinically relevant complication of different pancreatic and extra-pancreatic diseases and conditions. There is a wide variability in the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to this condition in different clinical scenarios and different centres across Europe and outside Europe. Under the umbrella of the UEG, and with the participation of the different European Societies dealing with patients with PEI, the present guideline intends to harmonize the diagnosis and clinical management of PEI secondary to pancreatic and extra-pancreatic diseases and conditions across Europe, and to identify the gaps of knowledge in this field.

Project type: Guideline development
Participating UEG Member Societies: EPC, EDS, ESPGHAN, ESPEN, ESDO, ESPCG
Lead Coordinator: Juan Enrique Dominguez-Muñoz
Project Outcome: European guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency: UEG, EPC, EDS, ESPEN, ESPGHAN, ESDO, and ESPCG evidence-based recommendations

European Guideline on Bloating and Abdominal Distension – UEG, ESNM, EAGEN, ESPCG, BSGE, RSGH & HGD Recommendations

Brief description of the initiative: The group will propose statements on the prevalence, symptom presentation, diagnosis, pathophysiology, complications, and management of bloating and abdominal distention. For each topic, a systematic literature survey will be available on an online access point. A Delphi consensus process (80% agreement threshold) by GRADE will be used to categorize the quality of evidence and strength of recommendations.

Project type: Guideline development
Participating UEG Member Societies: UEG, ESNM, EAGEN, ESPCG, Bulgarian Society of Gastroenterology (BSGE), Romanian Society of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (RSGH) & Hrvatsko gastroenterološko društvo (HGD)
Lead Coordinator: Ram Dickman

European Clinical Practice Guideline on Malabsorption – UEG and SIGE, LGA, SPG, SRGH, CGS, EAGEN, ESPEN, ESPGHAN guideline

Brief description of the initiative: Although malabsorption and malabsorption syndromes are rather common, no guideline for their recognition and proper diagnostic work-up exists. The aims of the guideline will be achieved through multiple rounds of online meetings, taking into account the open issues to be addressed, including the definition of malabsorption, its diagnostic criteria, and its clinical phenotypes. A final algorithm which combines screening tests, laboratory, and endoscopic or radiological tests for early recognition will be provided.

Project type: Guideline development
Participating UEG Member Societies: SIGE (Italy), LGA (Latvia), SPG (Portugal), SRGH (Romania), CGS (Czech Republic), EAGEN, ESPEN, ESPGHAN, ESPCG
Lead Coordinators: Antonio Di Sabatino, Marco Vincenzo Lenti

European Guideline on Nausea and Vomiting – UEG and ESNM consensus for clinical management

Brief description of the initiative: Nausea and vomiting are symptoms which commonly present to the GI specialist and general practitioner. The differential diagnosis is wide, including digestive and non-digestive etiologies, organic and functional disorders. Recent progress in the scientific knowledge of specific causes of nausea and vomiting make this guideline particularly timely. We aim to develop a European guideline including a systematic, well-structured approach to obtain a valid diagnosis and to guide management of nausea and vomiting through the concerted effort of gastroenterologists, surgeons, and primary care physicians from a broad spectrum of countries across Europe.

Project type: Guideline development
Participating UEG Member Societies: ESNM
Lead Coordinator: Carolina Malagelada

Unit Lead Education
Elisabeth Aumaître

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