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Quality of Care

Guidelines, standards and quality improvement initiatives


GI Guidelines App
Get diagnosis and treatment recommendations with the first guidelines app of its kind

The GI Guidelines App includes capabilities that did not previously exist, in terms of both functionality and amount of resources in one place. The app is available free of charge for Android and iPhone devices.

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How to develop guidelines
Enrol in our free online course to learn the basics of developing high-quality guidelines

The course explains the process of how to go about writing protocol, the basics of GRADE, and the steps to take after completing a guideline. It will also direct you to other courses offered by Guideline International Network.

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The UEG framework for high-quality guidelines

We aim to provide a framework for quality guidelines in order to assist member societies in the process of developing guidelines.
In order to do so we provide a tool for readers of guidelines to critically appraise their quality.

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Standards & Guidelines Repository
UEG and leading European societies concerned with digestive health help you to provide your patients with the best care options

Check out our repository of  European-based and English clinical practice guidelines, clinical standards, consensus, position papers and standard protocols in the field of digestive health. All are available as part of the UEG Library.

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Medical guidelines must not be influenced by commercial interests

Medical guidelines play a crucial role in guiding healthcare professionals' decisions and practices.
The recommendations provided with these guidelines often have significant implications for patient care and outcomes.

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Quality of Care Initiatives
Standards & guidelines initiatives in association with UEG

We are supporting standards & guidelines initiatives coordinated by our Member Societies.

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Quality Standards
We support our Member Societies in the development of quality standards

These projects are developed by our Member Societies and co-funded by UEG.

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