CME in Europe

Collaborating to ensure quality assurance in digestive health training and to enhance scientific standards across Europe

UEG and the European Section and Board of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (ESBGH) of UEMS collaborate on the European curriculum of gastroenterology and hepatology training as well as on a pan-European knowledge-based assessment for trainees in digestive health. Together we aim to harmonise the training across European countries.

myUEG Associates can gain European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by attending UEG face-to-face education and by participating in UEG online education activities, which have been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) of the UEMS. 

Curriculum of gastroenterology and hepatology training (Blue Book)

The Blue Book defines the curriculum of gastroenterology and hepatology training in Europe. It aims to set the standards in education and practice in order to help the free movement of trainees across different institutions and European countries. UEG maps its educational offering with the Blue Book and tries to fill the gaps in GI learning opportunities together with our Member Societies.

Download Blue Book

European Specialty Examination in Gastroenterology and Hepatology (ESEGH)

The ESEGH is a pan-European assessment for gastroenterology and hepatology trainees based on the Blue Book curriculum. It tests a wide range of knowledge and consists of 200 MCQs in 2 three-hour examinations. The exam is delivered once a year in all member, associate and observer countries of the ESBGH. UEG supports candidates in their preparation and provides learning material on Gutflix. We also provide a dedicated My Connect study group where candidates can connect and receive tips from those who have already successfully taken the exam.

Visit ESEGH website   Join ESEGH Study Group


European Section and Board of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (ESBGH)

The purpose of the ESBGH is to achieve the delivery of high quality patient care by promoting and harmonising high standards for medical practice and postgraduate education. It evaluates the quality of international gastroenterology and hepatology CME/CPD in Europe in conjunction with EACCME®

Visit ESBGH website

The European Accreditation Council for CME (EACCME®)

EACCME® is an institution of the UEMS and encourages highest standards in the development, delivery and harmonisation of continuing medical education (CME) and continuing professional development (CPD). It provides accreditation of international CME in Europe to facilitate the recognition of credits between the various countries. UEG submits all eligible educational activities to EACCME for CME accreditation.  

Visit EACCME website