Get the most out of the UEG online programme – Tailor it to your interests!
In addition to screening through the programme we highly recommend using the topics as your guidance which you can find in the menu on the left-hand side in the online programme! These topics feature organs, diseases as well as specialty interests such as the Mechanisms & Personalised Medicine track.
Interdisciplinary sessions cover new approaches to diagnosis and treatment, and place major emphasis on innovative, technical advances in the non-invasive management of gastrointestinal and hepatic disorders and translational/basic science. This includes state-of-the-art lectures on the subjects. UEG Week 2025 will also feature various topic highlights such as:
- The 3 Crash Courses allow clinicians to get an update on a topic of their daily clinical routine.
- Mistakes in...: The Mistakes in... sessions provide professionals with specialist tips and know-how beyond textbook knowledge. The presentations focus on common errors and infrequent mistakes that have a high clinical impact on patients and daily clinical practice.
- The Never waste a good disaster session features tandem talks about possibly averted mistakes and wrong decisions during daily clinical practice. Included topics are approached from different angles, with outstanding experts and memorable confessions.
- 3 sessions focusing on disease primers are another offer stressing the importance of translational work for both basic scientists and clinicians.
- Advances in Clinical GI & Hepatology: Our clinically oriented one-day symposium within the meeting, focusing on Predicting Therapy Response this year.
- Hot Topics in Precision Medicine: A dedicated track featuring 10 sessions including expert-led lectures and abstract presentations centered all around The art of making clinical research precise.
Clinical Case Discussions
Taking place on Monday and Tuesday during lunch time, these session cover interactive clinical-case discussions, situations, and specific daily clinical routine problems, approached by a multidisciplinary panel of four experts. Contributions of questions and comments are welcome and facilitated via a Q&A tool on the congress platform. On-site, the audience can vote using coloured cards.
Opening Plenary
Our Opening Session on Sunday, October 5 is the official start of the scientific programme showcasing state-of-the-art lectures and our most prestigious awards such as the Top Abstracts and Research Prize presentations. Both in-person and virtual delegates have the opportunity to ask questions.
ESGE Live Endoscopy
During the ESGE Live Endoscopy on Tuesday, October 7, top international experts will demonstrate cutting-edge techniques alongside basic procedures transmitted directly to UEG Week in Berlin and your living room. The newest developments in 4k definition diagnostic endoscopy will be showcased alongside with state of the art therapeutic interventions like EMR, ESD, POEM and hepatobiliary endoscopy. The case mix and interactive evidence- based discussions with expert chairs that is entirely open to interaction the audience will make this a unique learning experience with a lot of practical tips and tricks to update your endoscopy skills. The ESGE Live Endoscopy is run in cooperation with ESGE.