Clinical Visiting Fellowship

Establish new clinical and scientific collaborations 


Establish new clinical and scientific collaborations

We support up to 30 trainees in gastroenterology with visiting fellowships to spend at least two weeks at a renowned European training centre between January and December. Each trainee receives € 1,250 to contribute to travel and accommodation costs.

The application for fellows to participate in the fellowship throughout the year 2026 will be open April 1 – June 26, 2025. 

If you are interested in hosting a fellow between January and December 2026, learn more and register as a host centre:

Apply to become a host centre by March 6, 2025

Visiting Fellowship main image

Target group

This opportunity is available for all myUEG Young GI Associates.

Applicants for the fellowship programme must:

  • be clinicians in the field of digestive health
  • be fluent in English
  • reside in Europe or the Mediterranean area (countries that are bordering the Mediterranean Sea)
  • be in the last two years of clinical training, or have finished their training a maximum of 2 years ago when the fellowship starts

Candidates are allowed to participate in the Clinical Visiting Fellowship only once. The hosting institution must be different from the home institution and preferably located in a different country.

How it works

Applicants must complete the application form and provide following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Motivation letter
  • Letter of recommendation

Read the complete criteria for applicants and selection process. For more tips & advice from UEG and previous participants join our exclusive Young GI group on My Connect


Host centres 2025

First nameLast nameHost CentreCityCountryCentre name longInstitution websiteFellowship topicsPossible month(s) for visitDepartment nameExpertise of department and range of educational programmesDepartment facilitiesNumber of beds in total ?Number of beds dedicated to GI?Other commentsWhich tasks is the trainee allowed to perform?Will the trainee be allowed to perform hands-on training?Additional commentsAre there any special requirements (for EU/non-EU citizens)?Can the trainee participate in procedural lists?Can the trainee participate in outpatient clinics with his/her tutor?According to your institutional profile, what kind of fellow do you prefer to host?Minimum clinical experienceDoes the fellow have to be registered for practice (i.e. GMC in UK) in your country?Language skillsAdditional requirementsMinimum duration of the fellowship is two weeks. Is prolongation (organised by centre and fellow) possible?
MarkusPeck-RadosavljevicKlinikum Klagenfurt am WörterseeKlagenfurtAustriaAT_Klinikum Klagenfurt am Wörterseewww.kabeg.atEndoscopy, IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disordersMarch, April, May, June, July, September, October, NovemberInnere Medizin & Gastroenterologie (IMuG)GI-Department as main specialty with adjunct Nephrology, Rheumatology, and Endocrinology Unit, Centralized Emergency Department (ZAE) and Centralized Endoscopy Unit are also part of the department.Inpatient ward including 4 intermediate care beds; specialized outpatient clinics for IBD, Liver disease, and general Gastroenterology; centralized endoscopy unit headed by the department5130Third-largest hospital in Austria, University-affiliated teaching hospitalThat depends on his status with regards to EU labor law and approbation in Austria: mostly, they will act as observersNo hands-on training possibleTrainees usually will be qualified as "observers", which would not allow them to perform any hands-on training for legal and insurance reasons.Not for observers.FrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus), Radiologist with interest in GI imaging and interventionsNo specific requirementNot necessarily for an observer.English is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
ThomasReibergerMedical University of ViennaViennaAustriaAT_Medical University of, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, DecemberDivision of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine IIIUniversity Hospital, Outpatient and Inpatient Clinic, ICU, Endoscopy, Hepmodynamic LaboratoryEndoscopy Suites, Hemodynamic Lab, Research Laboratories, 2 Inpatient wards, 1 ICU ward, several specialized outpatient clinicsl5656observe and participate in clinical and research discussionsApplied to/with simulatorsperiod can/should be defined with mentor; it is preferred that the visit is connected to a research projectnoneSometimesSometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistknowledge on guidelines for treatment of patients with advanced chronic liver disease (ACLD), cirrhosis, portal hypertension and liver transplantationnoEnglish is sufficient., English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
MariannaArvanitakisERASME University Hospital, Université Libre de BruxellesBrusselsBelgiumBE_ERASME University Hospital, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Pancreatico-biliary, Nutrition and small intestine,, digestive oncologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterologyEndoscopy, Pancreato-biliary, Digestive Oncology, Nutrition, Hepatology, IBD Clinical rounds (inpatients), outpatient consultation, weekly multidiscipline meetings (oncology, pancreato-biliary, endoscopy), bi-weekly educational seminars (except July-August)Inpatient wards, medico-surgical units with a total of 75 beds, Endoscopy unit, outpatient clinics86452/ 75Very well known institution, dedicated to patient care, research and educationClinical rounds with tutor (inpatients), consultations with tutor (outpatients), observation of endoscopic procedures, educational seminars, multidisciplinary meetingsNo hands-on training possibleHand on requires a minimum of 1 year stayNAFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistAt the end of GI training with some clinical experienceNot for a clinical fellowship with a tutor but some paperwork is requiredEnglish is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
HansVan VlierbergheGhent University HospitalGentBelgiumBE_Ghent University Hospitalwww.uzgent.beEndoscopy, IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, GI OncologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, NovemberGastroenterology and Hepatology1/ Basic and advanced endoscopic training (GI tractus en biliopancreatic tractus) 2/ Inflammatory bowel unit 3/ Liver unit (with also an important liver transplantation program) 4/ Digestive oncology unitOut and in patient clinic day clinic ICU ward Endoscopic unit95043If a MD and if approved by our medical council (case per case decision), everything under supervisionApplied to patientsknowledge of English (not necesarry but helpful: knowledge of French and Dutch)SometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, GastroenterologistSecond half of GI trainingNo, but an MD diploma needs to be providedEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
TimVanuytselKU LeuvenLeuvenBelgiumBE_KU and www.kuleuven.beFunctional disorders, Neurogastroenterology, Nutrition and small intestine,March, April, June, July, October, NovemberGastroenterology and HepatologyUniversity Hospitals Leuven is a center of expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders (Prof. Tim Vanuytsel and Prof. Jan Tack) and intestinal failure including short bowel syndrome and small bowel transplantation (Prof. Tim Vanuytsel and Dr. Lucas Wauters).endoscopy, manometry, outpatient clinic, ERCP200060Trainee can follow outpatient clinics for functional GI disorders and intestinal failure with Prof. Vanuytsel or Prof. Tack and accompany them on ward rounds. The trainee will also be able to follow the specialized endoscopy lists with e.g. dilatations of esophageal strictures, insertion of PEG/PEG-J tubes, pneumatic dilations for achalasia, etc. If the trainee speaks Dutch, then he or she can see patients in the outpatient clinic under supervision of Prof. Vanuytsel or Tack.Applied to patientsregular visa requirementsSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistgastroenterologist in training; no other specific skills needednoEnglish is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
AnteBogutUniversity Hospital MostarMostarBosnia and HerzegovinaBA_University Hospital Mostarwww.skbm.baPancreatico-biliaryFebruary, March, April, May, October, NovemberDepartment of GastroenterologyDiagnostic endoscopy Interventional endoscopy (bleeding managament, EMR) ERCP Abdominal ultrasound, liver biopsies IBD managamentDay hospital for IBD patients and outpatient diagnostic procedures Endoscopy unit with three Olympis Exera III towers and scopes ERCP cabinet72021-All diagnostic procedures under supervision of mentor ( EGD, colonoscopy, ultrasound). It depends on knowledge and expireince of trainneApplied to patients--SometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist2 yNoEnglish is sufficient., English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.-Yes
GoranHauserClinical Hospital Centre RijekaRijekaCroatiaHR_Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, Pancreatico-biliaryJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterologyBasic and advanced endoscopy, gastroeintestinal ICU,State of the art endoscopy suite1004 - whole hospital52EU citizens all procedures Non-EU citizens only observershipApplied to patientsPlease see aboveFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)2 years - common trunk in internal medicine or surgeryyes but for the EU citizens we can arrange thatEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way., English is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
DavorStimacSpeciality Hospital MedicoRijekaCroatiaHR_Speciality Hospital Medicowww.medico.hrEndoscopy, IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disordersJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, NovemberGastroenterologyMedico Academy With the project, we want to improve the knowledge and skills of healthcare workers, with the aim of modernizing and providing better quality healthcare services. An additional goal is to transfer knowledge about the use of healthy lifestyle habits in everyday life through the organization of weekend workshops. Held training for employees of the Medico Special Hospital: MauiDerm Connect 2020 Med-Line face/body Med-Line PRP/PRF MauiDerm Connect 2021 Iceberg MR education RIWOSpine Dermapenworld EADV congress ECC Congress 2021 RIWOSpine – lumbar spine course Eurospin 2021 Summer school of ultrasound at the University of Rijeka TAMC 2021 Course ""Prevention and control of healthcare-related infections""Hepatology and Pancreatology Gastrointestinal Diseases Diagnostic Unit of Endoscopy1010Trainee can be observer in our center but also active performer on GI diagnostic and therapeutic techniquesApplied to patientsWe accepting on trainings also Non EU doctorsSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistEvery doctor who is in the Training process or who is a specialist in GE/Hepatology is welcomeThere is a very simple procedure in our hospitalEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
ZeljkoKrznaricKBC Zagreb/ University Hospital ZagrebZagrebCroatiaHR_KBC Zagreb/ University Hospital Zagrebhttps://www.kbc-zagreb.hrIBD, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disorders, Nutrition and small intestine,May, June, July, September, October, NovemberDepartment of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & NutritionTeaching hospital, from undergraduate to postgraduate education including full national speciality program in gastroenterology All fields of gastroenterology and hepatologyDivisions of IBD and General Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Interventional Endoscopy (including ERCP, EUS, IUS, advanced endoscopy) Endoscopic Outpatient Clinic Daily Hospital/Hepatology/IBD/ Nutrition Division of Clinical Nutrition & Intestinal Failure Unit22 (36)22 (36)Trainees from EU with a basic MD licence can perform almost all tasks under supervision For Non-EU trainees observer status is most appropriateApplied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsNo hands-on training possible for Non-EU Trainees.Non- EU citizens can apply for the Croatian National licence, but it could take a some time to be approved.FrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Other (e.g. Pathologist, Paediatrician…)One yearTrainees from EU with a basic MD licence and National Register NumberEnglish is sufficient.Yes
AnnaMrzljakUniversity Hospital Center ZagrebZagrebCroatiaHR_University Hospital Center Zagreb, February, March, April, May, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of Gastroenterology and HepatologyTeaching hospital for undergraduate and postgraduate education. Teaching hospital for national speciality program in Gastroenterology. All fileds of gastroenterology, hepatology and transplant medicine (liver, liver-kidney and liver-heart transplant)National Referral Center for Chronic Liver Diseases Division for Chronic Liver Diseases Liver Outpatient Clinic Liver Transplant Center (cca 40 liver transplants annually) Endoscopy Outpatient Clinic National Referral Center for Clinical Nutrition Division of Clinical Nutrition and Intestinal Failure National Referral Center for IBD Division of IBD Division of Interventional Endoscopy (including ERCP, EUS, advanced endoscopy)32 (22)32 (22)During 2024/25 number of total GI beds reduced to 22 due to hospital construction.Trainees from EU with a basic MD licence can perform almost all hepatology related tasks under supervision. For no-EU trainees observership is more appropriate.Applied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsNon-EU trainees please consider observership.Non-EU citizens can apply for the Croatian National Licence, but it could get several months before the approval.FrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistNon-EU citizens can apply for the Croatian National Licence if hand-on procedures are required.English is sufficient.Yes
OndrejUrbanUniversity Hospital OlomoucOlomoucCzech RepublicCZ_University Hospital OlomoucEndoscopy, Pancreatico-biliaryJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December2nd department of medicin- gastroenterology and geriatricsAdvance therapeutical digestive endoscopy including EURCP approach, enteroscopy, ESD an others. More than 9000 endoscopies per year.A total of 7 endoscopy rooms 100 beds 9 beds in intensive care unit nutirtional service Center for IBD treatment10925Looking forward to host you.NoNoMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistBasic gastroscopy and colonoscopyNoEnglish is sufficient.Yes
JanMartinekInstitute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine Gastroenterology & HepatologyPragueCzech RepublicCZ_Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Hepatology, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disordersJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, October, NovemberHepatogastroenterologyendoscopy both basic techniques and advanced techniques (POEM, G-POEM, ESD, EUS, ERCP) functional: pH metry, manometry, Endoflip hepatology: liver transplantation30 beds, cca 50 endoscopies per day, possibility to do animal training (need to pay), a large out patient department,35030depends how good she or he is, in principle, trainees are not allowed to do examinations but exceptions existApplied to animalsSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistno requirementsnoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
MilanLukasISCARE a.s.PragueCzech RepublicCZ_ISCARE, IBDJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, NovemberInflammatory bowel diseaseTheoretical and practical issues in diagnosis, conservative and surgical therapy in IBD, biological therapy, patient´s monitoring, Endoscopic Management and Treatement od ComplicationsEndoscopy unit, ultrasonography unit, endosono unit, biologic therapy, enteral nutrition, telemedicine2914Private hospital which was affilliated to Charles University, 1st Medical FacultyUpper and lower endoscopy, ultrasonography, endosonography, visit out patient clinicApplied to animalsFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistGraduated student of medical facultynoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
ZuzanaVackovaMilitary University Hospital PraguePragueCzech RepublicCZ_Military University Hospital Prague, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, Gastro-duodenal disorders, GI Oncology, NeurogastroenterologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, NovemberDepartment of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Department of MedicineDpt. of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy is a tertiary endoscopic center offering full range of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures of the GI tract. It is a referral center for advanced interventional procedures (EMR, ESD, third-space endoscopy, EUS-guided interventions). Our department is connected to the gastroenterology department with beds. The gastroenterology department is providing care for unselected gastroenterology patients with the whole spectrum of gastrointestinal and hepato-pancretobiliary diseases. Our institution is a teaching hospital for both pregradual students and post-gradual doctors.- Endoscopy – 6 endoscopy suites (gastroscopy, colonoscopy 2x, interventional, endosonography, ERCP), abdominal ultrasound, functional lab – high-resolution esophageal and anorectal manometry, pH monitoring, Endoflip, recovery room (6 beds) - Gastroenterology departmenthospital 66736Observation onlyApplied to/with simulators, No hands-on training possibleNo.NoSometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistFellows with all levels of experience are welcome.No.English is sufficient.Yes
PeterChristsensenAarhus University HospitalAarhusDenmarkDK_Aarhus University Hospital, Functional disorders, GI Oncology, NeurogastroenterologyMay, June, October, NovemberDepartment of SurgeryColoproctology. More than 10 years experience with international visiting colorectal fellow for hands-on colorectal surgery, robotic surgery, TAMIS, laparoscopic surgery and advanced coloproctology.Tertiary referral center for advanced colorectal cancer, IBD and advanced proctology. International leading research unit in coloproctology, functional disorders and late adverse effects following cancer treatment115040Hands-on surgery under supervision. Lap- and robotic simulators. Active involvement in ongoing research.Applied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsPassing an informal videointerview is mandatory.English speaking a requirement.FrequentlyFrequentlySurgeon (with GI focus)Trainee, specialised registraNoEnglish is sufficient.Yes
Gerda ElisabethVilladsenAarhus University HospitalAarhusDenmarkDK_Aarhus University Hospital, February, March, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of Hepatology and GastroenterologyTIPS insertions, HCC treatments, cirrhosis (treatment of viral hepatitis resides with the infectious disease specialists, not us). We do not do liver transplantations, but we do work-up of transplant candidates and treat patients after transplantation.All HCC treatments except transplantation. We do SIRT, for example, and proton beam therapy. All treatments of cirrhosis.2620Applied to patientsNone. (We speak English.)SometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistNo.English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
Lise LotteGluudCopenhagen University Hospital HvidovreHvidovreDenmarkDK_Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliaryJune, July, AugustGastro UnitSpecialising in Gastroenterology; Hepatology Pancreatic Disorders Inflammatory Bowel Diseases EndoscopyThe largest GI department in Denmark Large endoscopy unit Research facilities are integrated into clinical practice146146Observation and some interaction with patients including observation at the endoscopy unit, in-hospital and outpatient clinicApplied to/with simulatorsIt may be possible to participate in research projects (e.g., data handling, collection of samples, analyses)No same for EU and non-EUSometimesSometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist6 monthsNoEnglish is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
MohamedAlboraieAl-Azhar UniversityCairoEgyptEG_Al-Azhar University, February, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of internal medicineOur department offers a range of educational activities ranging from basic endoscopic and ultrasound trainings up to motility studies, ERCP and EUS. Our staff members are running daily endoscopy and ultrasound lists. We have more than 20 trainees/ year.Our department is equipped with a dedicated endoscopy suite with different endoscopes (OGDs, Colonoscopies, duodenoscopes, Enteroscopes, Echo endoscopes for EUS, High resolution manometry, FibroScan and ultrasound machines)6020Trainees will have the opportunity to attend their intended training schedule and can also (based on availability) observe other techniques. In addition, they will be invited to different scientific seminars.Trainees are allowed to attend procedures, and to have a supervised hands-on training.Applied to patientsSometimesSometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistNoEnglish is sufficient.Yes
MohamedBassamCairo UniversityCairoEgyptEG_Cairo UniversityEndoscopyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberEndemic medicine departmentGastrointestinal endoscopyUpper endoscopy, lower endoscopy, ercp, eus, enteroscopy, 3rd space endoscopy, esophageal manometry4030EndoscopyApplied to patientsNoFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)NoEnglish is sufficient.Yes
NadaZinDemerdash teaching hospitalsCairoEgyptEG_Demerdash teaching hospitalsPaediatricsJune, July, AugustPediatricsI am interested in pediatrics gastroenterology got post graduate diploma in gastroenterology And did my phd research in pediatrics gastroenterology On IBD patientsOutpatient clinic and endoscopy5040Applied to patientsSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist7 years with outpatient clinic in pediatrics gastroenterology in teaching hospitalEnglish is sufficient.Yes
GalalAboufarragfaculity of medicine alazhar university Cairo egyptCairoEgyptEG_faculity of medicine alazhar university Cairo egyptEndoscopyAugust, September, OctoberHepatology gastroenterology and infectious diseasesClinical education, ultrasound training and follow up of cases, sceintific research, endoscopyUS unit Radio frequency unit Endoscopy unit Outpatient clinic Inpatient Ward3214NoApplied to patients, Applied to animalsNoSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist15 yearNoEnglish is sufficient., English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
MohamedBassam HashemKasr Al AinyCairoEgyptEG_Kasr Al Ainywww.Icrid.comEndoscopy, IBD, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disorders, NeurogastroenterologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberEndemic medicine departmentGastrointestinal disorders ranging from functional disorders to organic ones. Endoscopic proceduresGastroscopy,colonoscopy,EUS,ERCP,Spiral enteroscopy, Esoohageal and anorectal manonetry, 24 hour PH monitoring, 3rd space endoscopy4030-Observation and hands on training under supervision in Endoscopy procedures -Attendance of IBD clinics and regular meetings -Attendance motility disorders clinic and manometry proceduresApplied to patientsSecurity clearanceFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)NoEnglish is sufficient., English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
AnthonyBuissonCHU Estaing Clermont-FerrandClermont-ferrandFranceFR_CHU Estaing Clermont-FerrandIBDJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, DecemberIBD UnitIt is a Unit dedicated to the management of IBD patients including different activities led by Prof. Anthony BUISSON : - two days per week dedicated to outpatients visits with an IBD expert (60-70 patients a week) benefiting from an holitistic approach (IBD nurse, psychologist...) - Ultrasonography for IBD patients (performed by a gastroenterologist) - Endoscopy for IBD patients - Three days per week dedicated to biologics infusion for IBD patients (20-30 patients a week) - High-volume clinical research program - Translational and basic science connected to Prof. Nicolas Barnich's labThe IBD unit is independent but located into the GI department of the University Hospital Estaing (Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE). 5 boxes dedicated to IBD outpatients (both medical visits and infusion unit) The team encompasses Prof. BUISSON, two other IBD physicians (including ultrasonography expert), IBD radiologist, IBD surgeon, 2 IBD nurses, 1 administrative assistant, and fellows...not applicable100 % for IBDThe fellow will participate to: - outpatients visits with Prof. BUISSON and other IBD physcians - infusion Unit - ultrasonography and endoscopy activity for IBD patients - visits with IBD nurses - clinical research meeting - discussion around clinical cases with IBD physicians, surgeons and radiologistsApplied to patientsNone for EU citizens. Non-EU citizens will potentially need to obtain a visa depending of the citizenship of the applicant.FrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistA minimal expertise in the field of IBD is required to benefit from the experience. An interest for research will be appreciated.Not mandatory.English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
VincianeReboursHopital BeaujonClichyFranceFR_Hopital BeaujonGI Oncology, neuroendocrine tumors, pancreatic diseases, PAncreatitis, cystic pancreatic lesions, Rare pancreatic diseasesJanuary, February, April, October, NovemberPancreatology and Digestive OncologyPancreatology and Digestive Oncology Department: - All pancreatic diseases : inflammatory diseases, benign lesions and pancreatic malignant tumors - Coordinator of the National network for pancreatic rare diseases - CRMR PaRaDis - - European center of excellence for digestive neuroendocrine tumors. ENETS labellisation.- 42 beds for hospitalizations (dedicaced to pancreatic diseases only: pancreatic cancer complications and severe acute pancreatitis); 17 beds for daily hospitalisations (dedicaced to chemotherapy for digestive tumors and pancreatic adenoccarcinoma especially) - Departments at Beaujon Hospital: Endoscopy department facilities with ERCP, EUS ... every day Surgical departments for pancreatic surgery, colon surgery, liver transplantation ...42 beds for hospitalizations (dedicaced to pancreatic diseases only); 17 beds for daily hospitalisations (dedicaced to chemotherapy for digestive tumors and pancreatic adenoccarcinoma especially)42 beds for hospitalizations (dedicaced to pancreatic diseases only); 17 beds for daily hospitalisations (dedicaced to chemotherapy for digestive tumors and pancreatic adenoccarcinoma especially)The trainee will - follow a senior physician to visit in and out clinics patients - observe specific endoscopic interventionnal procedures (ERCP, EUS, necrosectomy ....) - observe interventional radiological procedures for biliairy drainage .... - observe pancreatic surgery proceduresNo hands-on training possibleNoNoNoMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistNoEnglish is sufficient.Yes
TamaraMatysiak-BudnikCHU de Nantes IMADNantesFranceFR_CHU de Nantes, www.imad-nantes.orgEndoscopy, IBD, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disorders, GI OncologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, NovemberHepato-Gastroenterology and Digestive OncologyHepato-gastroenterology, IBD, digestive oncology, GI functional disorders. endoscopy (new endoscopic techniques of diagnosis and treatment of early neoplastic lesions)", reference center for digestive neuroendocrine tumors and digestive lymphomas,Interventional endoscopy platform, functional explorations platform, common hospital technical and biological platform82070"University Hospital Center extended on 9 sites, with the principal site (Hôtel Dieu), situated at the very center of the city and including GI Department. The center encompasses three major Institutes: Institute of Thorax (cardiovascular diseases), ITUN (Institute for 2 of 4 Transplantation Urology, Nephrology) and IMAD (Institute of Digestive Diseases), each of them characterized by a high quality of clinical, research, and teaching activities in their respective domains. The center has a very well developed technical platform (radiology, nuclear medicine, biology). Department of Gastroenterology includes the traditional hospital units of Hepatology, Gastroenterology, and Intensive Care, the day hospital, the week hospital, and the Unit of Digestive Oncology integrated in the common oncology unit (comprising digestive oncology, dermato-oncology and hemato-oncology). It contains the platform of digestive endoscopy and of functional explorations with an access to the newest diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. It is closely related to the Clinical Research Center and to several INSERM research Units focused on research in cancer, neuro-gastroenterology, and immunology"Assist the tutor in all activities (visit of hospitalized patients, outpatient clinics, Multidisciplinary Team Meetings)No hands-on training possibleFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistNONEnglish is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
EnriquePerez-Cuadrado-RoblesGeorges-Pompidou European HospitalPARISFranceFR_Georges-Pompidou European Hospital, Pancreatico-biliaryJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, NovemberDepartment of Gastroenterology.The Department of Endoscopy is specialized in three main axes: Advanced resection techniques, therapeutic endoscopic ultrasound/pancreatobiliary endoscopy and small bowel endoscopy. Regarding advanced resection techniques, we have cases of upper/lower-GI ESD, advanced mucosectomy, FTRD, and other related techniques every week . We also perform POEM and diverticulotomy. A ESD/mucosectomy hands-on training on ex-vivo model could be possible during the fellowship. Concerning the EUS/ERCP activity, we have a special focus on advanced EUS therapies (necrosectomy, hepatico-gastrostomy, gastroenteroanastomosis, wirsungogastrostomy, gastro-gastrostomy, gallblader/bile duct EUS drainage etc) but also on ERCP (cholangioscopy) and hybrid techniques (percutaneous cholangioscopy, retroperitoneal necrosectomy etc). Finally, we have 2-3 enteroscopies each week (DBE, spirus) and many VCE procedures. We also perform DBE-assisted ERCP.The department has 5 operation rooms a day, with 2 of them dedicated to interventional endoscopy and hybrid procedures.90018The trainee will be allowed to assist all procedures depending on his/her interests. There are multidisciplinary meetings with other departments almost every day (radiology, surgery, oncology) to discuss cases. Hands-on training on ex-vivo model for ESD/mucosectomy can be organized.Applied to/with simulators, Applied to animalsNo requirementsFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistNo minimum experience is mandatory.noEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way., English is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
ChloéMelchiorRouen University Hospital, INSERM U1073, CIC-CRB-1404RouenFranceFR_Rouen University Hospital, INSERM U1073, CIC-CRB-1404 disorders, NeurogastroenterologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterology Department & Physiology departmentNeurogastroenterology, Disorders of gut-brain interaction (irritable bowel syndrome, functional dyspepsia, gastroparesis, faecal incontinence) Post-graduate educationOutpatient clinic+++, hospitalizations GI motility lab with oesophageal, small intestine, colonic and anorectal manometries, breath tests (gastric emptying, glucose, lactose breath tests), rectal barostat Endoscopy unit with functional endoscopy (regular endoscopy, endoflip, botulic injection, peroral endoscopic myotomy, gastric peroral endoscopic myotomy, caecostomy)12 beds for these specific patients in physiology department97The department has an important oncology, IBD expertise. Only the neurogastroenterology will be available for visiting fellowship. The activity of neurogastroenterology is shared by both the gastroenterology department and the GI motility lab. The fellow will have the possibility to follow both activity and will be in contact with 4 medical doctors specialized in neurogastroenterology.Observational clinical fellowship. It will be possible to follow outpatient clinic but all the patients will not be able to speak in English. The tutor will be able to provide the explanation in English during the consultation. Observation of the different type of tests (physiological tests and endoscopy) Explanation, learning, interpretation of the tests Participation to the different meeting of the departmentNo hands-on training possibleIntroduction to research is possible or participation to a research project that could be continue after the fellowship.No special requirements for EU citizens, we don't open the visiting fellowship to non-EU citizensNoFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus), Other (e.g. Pathologist, Paediatrician…)Specialization in Gastroenterology (graduated or in process)NoEnglish is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
HelmutMessmannUniklinik AugsburgAugsburgGermanyDE_Uniklinik Augsburg, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of GastroentgerologyRange 34 (Newsweek: World´s best spezialzed hospitals 2024) Training Center of ESGE Center of Excellence of WEOLargest endsocopy center in Germany1800143Applied to/with simulatorsyesNoNoMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistexperience in endoscopyyesEnglish is sufficient.No
AndreasSturmDRK Kliniken Berlin I WestendBerlinGermanyDE_DRK Kliniken Berlin I Westend, IBDJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberKlinik für Innere Medizin I Schwerpunkt GastroenterologieIBD, Endoscopy, oncologyERCP, PTCD, Endoscopy, double ballon, spy endoscopy, Baryx50062Teaching hospital of the ChariteIf allowed to work in Germany the trainee can perform endoscopyWorking permission for GermanyFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way., English is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
IlseBroekaertUniversity Childrens Hospital CologneCologneGermanyDE_University Childrens Hospital ColognePaediatricsJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberPaediatric Gastroenterologyfull paediatric unit including NICU/ PICUGastro/ Hepato/ Nutrition/ Endoscopy/ Surgery140variableApplied to/with simulators, Applied to animalsNoFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Other (e.g. Pathologist, Paediatrician…)English is sufficient., English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
AxelDignassAgaplesion Markus KrankenhausFrankfurt/ MainGermanyDE_Agaplesion Markus Krankenhauswww.markuskrankenhaus. de/leistungsspektrum/fachabteilungen/medizinische-klinik-igastroenterologie- hepatologie-onkologie-infektiologie/Endoscopy, IBD, Pancreatico-biliary, GI Oncology, Nutrition and small intestine,January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, NovemberMedizinische Klinik 1"IBD, Endoscopy, GI-Oncology, Ultrasound, general GI; Academic Teaching Hospital with teaching and clinical training of medical students, electives and rotations in GI and Internal Medicine for medical students from 3rd-6th year of training."Complete Endoscopy, Ultrasonography, Functional GI Lab, Nutrition Medicine, GI psychologists, in- and outpatient clinic, everything needed for modern GI6808585 beds in the department for GI, Oncology and General Internal Medicine The majority of patients speaks German only, good command of German language is necessary to interact with patients and also to follow outpatient clinic visits or roundsOnly observing tasks due to medical legislation in GermanyNo hands-on training possibleFull medical license and a contract of the hospitalFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistAt least two years of clinical experienceEnglish is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal., Knowledge of the local language is in any case necessary to benefit from the fellowship.Yes
AlbrechtNeesseUniversity Medical Centre GoettingenGoettingenGermanyDE_University Medical Centre Goettingen, IBD, Pancreatico-biliary, GI OncologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, NovemberGastroenterology, gastrointestinal Oncology and EndocrinologyHPB and HPB oncology including own inpatient oncology ward and outpatient chemotherapy clinic, molecular tumor board, translational and basic GI-cancer research Interventional endoscopy with high volume including EUS inteventions, ERCP, ESD, POEM etc. Abdominal ultrasound, elastography, CEUS and interventional sonography IBD outpatient clinicEndoscopy unit (including endoscopy simulators) Sonography unit 3 wards 1 outpatient clinic IBD 1 outpatient clinic oncology Several additional specialty outpatient clinics 1-3 x/week (endocrinology, adipositas, functional GI disorders, pancreas, hepatology etc.)145090sonography, ward rounds, outpatient clinics, tumor board and molecular tumor board daily hospitations in the endoscopy unit endoscopy, endoscopic and sonographic interventions can be observed on a daily basisApplied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsinvasive procedures such as ESD, POEM, EUS-guided interventions, ERCP etc. cannot be performed by traineesSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistat least 1 year gastroenterology experienceEnglish is sufficient.No
JonasRosendahlUniversity Clinic Halle (Saale)Halle (Saale)GermanyDE_University Clinic Halle (Saale), IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, Gastro-duodenal disorders, GI Oncology, Nutrition and small intestine,January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberClinic for Internal Medicine IEndoscopy, Pancreatic diseases, Oncology, IBD, Ultrasound All ranges of education possibleFull equipped, modern technology6060Happy to get applications.Endoscopy. Ultrasound. Ward rounds. Laboratory (research) training.Applied to patientsNone.Most likely country wise specific requirements.FrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)One year.No.English is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Need to be discussed depending on the type of application.Yes
HeinerWedemeyerHannover Medical SchoolHannoverGermanyDE_Hannover Medical Schoolhttps://www.mhh.deHepatology, GI OncologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases and EndocrinologyWe treat patients with liver, stomach and intestinal diseases as well as hormone metabolism disorders. State-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are used in the functional areas of sonography and endoscopy as well as in inpatient and outpatient care in numerous special outpatient clinics. The clinic makes a significant contribution in the intensive care unit and the internal medicine intermediate care unit. Liver transplantation, including the evaluation and treatment of affected patients, also plays a central role. In addition, regular tumor conferences as part of the Comprehensive Cancer Center are part of the clinic's standard practice.Sonography Endoscopy Intensive care unit Intermediate care unit Liver treatments will be carried out under supervision in the functional areas and on the ward. A medical approbation is required.Applied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsSometimesSometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistA medical approbation is required.A medical approbation is required.English is sufficient., English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
GeorgBeyerUniversity Hospital LMU MunichMünchenGermanyDE_University Hospital LMU MunichEndoscopy, IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disorders, GI Oncology, Nutrition and small intestine,February, March, April, May, June, July, October, NovemberMedical Department IIWe provide specialist care in all fields of gastroenterology, focusing on liver disease and liver transplantation, IBD, advanced endoscopy and pancreaticobiliary disorders. We closely clooaborate with colleagues from radiology, surgery and medical oncology in interdepartmental facilities like the LMU transplant unit, center for colorectal cancer and pancreatic cancer, comprehensive cancer center Munich. We hold roughly 100 beds for inpatients including a specialized medical intensive care unit and several specialized clinics for outpatients. Within the university we provide resident training for general internal medicine and gastroenterology including endoscopy and edvanced andoscopy training as well as hepatology and critical care degrees. Residents will do rotations at oncology, cardiology, nephrology, endocrinology and medical emergency department as part of there training. Academic training includes weekly scientific seminars and journal clubs, GCP training and participation in clinical trials as well as translational research projects.Interdisciplinary ultrasound centre, ERCP, interventional EUS, upper endoscopy, colonoscopy, cholongioscopy, pancreatoscopy, interventional ultrasound, ESWL, breath testing, intensive care, FMT, BIA, Fibroscan.2100100Full participation in patient care depending on experience and interest.Applied to patientsObservation and active participation in all procedures under supervision depending on previous experience. We expect applicants to be fluent in English or German.Visa as per Schengen-area requirementsFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistEndoscopy: minimum 1 y/o experience in performing routine procedures.English is sufficient.Yes
MartinaMüller-SchillingUniversity Hospital RegensburgRegensburgGermanyDE_University Hospital RegensburgEndoscopy, IBD, Hepatology, GI OncologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of Internal Medicine I, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Endocrinology, Rheumatology and Infectious Diseases1. Endoscopy 2. Intensive Care 3. Ultrasound 4. Interprofessional Student Ward 5. Outpatient Clinic71Applied to/with simulatorsNoFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus), Radiologist with interest in GI imaging and interventionstwo yearsNoEnglish is sufficient.Yes
GeorgiosTziatzios General Hospital of Nea Ionia “Konstantopoulio Patision”AthensGreeceGR_ General Hospital of Nea Ionia “Konstantopoulio Patision”Endoscopy, IBD, Pancreatico-biliary, GI OncologyMayDepartment of Gastroenterology, General Hospital of Nea Ionia “Konstantopoulio Patision”, Athens, GreeceEndoscopy department with special focus on advanced endoscopy procedures (ERCP, advanced polypectomy, EMR, ESD, inpatient/outpatient clinic, hepatology)Endoscopy department, inpatient and outpatient clinic88Attend simple (gastroscopy/colonoscopy) and complex endoscopic procedures (ERCP, EMR, ESD), attend the outpatient clinicNo hands-on training possibleNoneNoFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist1 year fellowship in GastroenterologyNoEnglish is sufficient.No
PeriklisApostolopoulosArmy Veterans Hospital (NIMTS)AthensGreeceGR_Army Veterans Hospital (NIMTS)[email protected]EndoscopyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, NovemberGastroenterologySmall bowel (capsule endoscopy and double balloon enteroscopy) EMR - ESD ERCPAll regarding the above procedures40014Applied to patientsFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistEnglish is sufficient.Yes
KonstantinosTriantafyllouAttikon University General HospitalAthensGreeceGR_Attikon University General Hospital, IBD, Hepatology, advanced endoscopyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, October, November, DecemberHepatogastroenterology Unit, 2nd Dept. of Propaedeutic Internal MedicineEndoscopy including ERCP and EMR, IBD and Hepatology Endoscopy-radiology coures Endoscopy-pathology courses Pediatric GastroenterologyIn- and out-patients clinics, 3 endoscopy suits65015Ward rounds, clinical examination, Out-patients clinics visits, Endoscopy suits visitsApplied to patientsNoSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist2 years in fellowshipNoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
NikosViazisEvangelismos HospitalAthensGreeceGR_Evangelismos Hospitalwww.evaggelismos-hosp.grEndoscopy, IBDJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterologyWard rounds, literature review, outpatient clinics, special clinics (IBD, hepatology, celiac disease), endoscopyEndoscopy unit (upper and lower GI endoscopy, ERCP, EUS, PEG, polypectomies)100015our center is accredited as an EUGW training centerDepending on his training experience he could perform upper and lower GI endoscopies (plus polypectomies)Applied to patientsNo additional commentsNoFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistHe has to be a gastroenterology trainnee (the year of training is not important)NoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.No additional requirementsYes
IoannisKaroumpalisGeneral Hospital of Athens "G. Gennimatas"AthensGreeceGR_General Hospital of Athens "G. Gennimatas", IBD, Pancreatico-biliaryMarch, April, MayGastroenterology DepartmentEndoscopic Ultrasound, ERCP, IBD, intestinal ultrasound,ERCP, EUS unit, Intestinal ultrasound unit, 3 endoscopic units, IBD outpatient department71017Endoscopy, intestinal ultrasound, assistance in ERCP, assistance in EUSNo hands-on training possibleTrainee will be able to perform hands on training in intestinal ultrasound and assist in EUS-Letter ( in English or Modern Greek) from the Chief of fellow's home unit certifying that the trainee has completed at least two years of training in Gastroenterology. Inclusion within the letter of the number of relevant endoscopic procedures performed by the applicant during training in Gastroenterology is highly-encouraged. -Official documentation of full anti-COVID-19 vaccination (e.g. European certificate of vaccination) will be asked upon arrival. -Signed document in English from general practitioner/internal medicine physician stating that the trainee is vaccinated against hepatitis B, MMR viruses, DTP and is not bearing/carrying chronic infectious disease such as tuberculosis - Medical degree and medical license translated in EnglishSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist2 years of training in GastroenterologynoEnglish is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
GEORGIOSTRIMPONIASRed Cross HospitalAthensGreeceGR_Red Cross HospitalEndoscopy, IBD, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disordersApril, May, June, July, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterology DepartmentBiggest ESD and POEM referral center in public hospital in Greece (200 ESDs/Year and 50 POEMs/year) Fellow training ERCP referral center in AthensEMR ESD POEM ERCP IBD FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS HEPATO-BILIARY DISORDERS65010Assist in interventional endoscopy IBD outpatient clinic Interventional endoscopy outpatient clinic Ward of Gastroenterology DepartmentApplied to patientsHands-on in gastroscopies and possible colonoscopies depending on the experience of the trainee Assistance in interventional therapeutic endoscopy proceduresAcceptance of the application from the hospital's managerFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)Basic endoscopic skills such as gastroscopies and sigmoidoscopiesNoEnglish is sufficient.Yes
AnastasiosManolakisUNIVERSITY OF THESSALY MEDICAL SCHOOL and University Hospital of LarissaLarissaGreeceGR_UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY MEDICAL SCHOOL and University Hospital of Larissa AND AND, IBD, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disorders, NeurogastroenterologyFebruary, March, April, May, September, NovemberDepartment of Gastroenterology, University Hospital of LarissaBasic diagnostic endoscopy: EGD and colonoscopy core-training Advanced diagnostic endoscopy: Narrow Band Imaging and dye-based chromoendoscopy Basic interventional endoscopy: Hemostasis(injection, endoclips, APC, coagulation forceps, hemospray), dilatations, stenting, polypectomy Advanced interventional endoscopy: EMR (cap-EMR included), ESD, POEM (for esophageal motility disorders and Zenker's), EFTR, RFA for Barrett's and GAVE, ERCP IBD outpatient clinic Gastrointestinal motility unit: Esophageal&Anorectal High Resolution Manometry, Bravo pH studies, 24h-pH-impedance studiesTwo endoscopy units with High Definition assemblies (Exera III and High definition Gastroscopes/Colonoscopes, Olympus) One ERCP unit with C-ARM fluoroscopy and spyglass One Gastrointestinal Motility Unit One IBD outpatient clinic One Celiac disease outpatient clinic One general GI practice outpatient clinic Capsule endoscopy unit Inpatient ward Operating Room (OR) slots for advanced endoscopic procedures e.g. POEM, ESD, EFTR65026Hospital beds 650 plus recently launched 20 additional COVID-19 beds Department of Gastroenterology has 26 bedsThe trainee can follow and observe the full spectrum of endoscopic, outpatient clinic and specialized units activities. Trainees can participate in diagnostic assessment of patients undergoing Gastrointestinal Motility Unit and capsule endoscopy examinations Trainees can follow clinical rounds Following initial assessment of trainee's skills and a 2-3 days accomodation period (teaching through observation, powerpoint/video presentations), the trainee can engage in supervised hands-on activities: -perform HRM (esophageal/anorectal) procedures and place Bravo-pH capsules, -perform NBI and dye-based chromoendoscopy on upper GI (indigo carmine, acetic acid, Lugol's staining) and the colorectum (indigo carmine panchromoendoscopy, targeted staining with indigo and crystal violet) -engage in ERCP procedures (handling of duodenoscope, stent removal/exchange, cannulisation). Based on individual trainee experience a limited number of pappilotomies can be offered -perform hemostasis in stable patients under close supervision (epinephrine injection, endoclips, coagulation forceps, gastric APC) -perform polypectomy, parts of EMR and ESD procedures (for the latter animal-model training will be applied first) -participate as an assistant in POEM proceduresApplied to patients, Applied to animals'-Letter ( in English or Modern Greek) from the Chief of fellow's home unit certifying that the trainee has completed at least two years of training in Gastroenterology (except for training in gastrointestinal motility where 1 year will suffice) and possesses necessary skills to engange in hands-on training. Inclusion within the letter of the number of relevant endoscopic procedures performed by the applicant during training in Gastroenterology is highly-encouraged. -Signed document in English from general practitioner/internal medicine physician stating that the trainee is vaccinated against hepatitis B, MMR viruses, DTP and is not bearing/carrying chronic infectious disease such as tuberculosisFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist'-2 completed years of training in Gastroenterology (not taking into account internal medicine training) and Letter of competence from the Chief of fellow's home unit, for advanced endoscopic procedures curriculumNot for standard period. If longer periods are requested (over 1 month) a special permit will have to be requested from institution and greek ministry of health, well in advance.English is sufficient.Yes
IstvánHritzSemmelweis UniversityBudapestHungaryHU_Semmelweis University, February, March, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of Surgery, Transplantation and Gastroenterology, Division of Interventional Gastroenterologygastroenterology, hepatology, IBD, interventional endoscopy general surgery, upper GI, colorectal, HPB surgery, robotic surgeryendoscopy unit, outpatient clinical, IBD OR ICU120202NoSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)2 yearsNoEnglish is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
DeirdreMcNamaraTallaght University HospitalDublinIrelandIE_Tallaght University HospitalEndoscopy, Nutrition and small intestineJanuary, February, March, July, October, November, DecemberTrinity Academic Gastroenterology GroupEnteroscopy Small bowel bleeding and Crohn's disease Capsule endoscopy Helicobacter pylori infection AngiogenesisFull academic department of gastroenterology562noneClinical Observership only Research hands on lab experienceNo hands-on training possibleVisa required for non EUSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistTrainee Gastroenterologists of any stageIf wishes to do hands on training yesEnglish is sufficient.No
IritChermeshRambam - Health Care CampusHaifaIsraelIL_Rambam - Health Care Campus, IBD, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disorders, GI Oncology, Nutrition and small intestine,January, February, March, April, May, June, NovemberDept. of GastroenterologyInvasive endoscopy IBD Nutrition Functional disorders Casule endoscopy GI malignancyEndoscopy: Colonoscopy, Gastroscopy ERCP EMR Endoscopic dilatation Endoscopic insertion of stents Functional: Anal manometry Esophageal manomatry Bravo- Ph metry; clasical pH-metry Bio- feed back treatment GI malignancy Genetic consultationThe department is an outpatient service. The patients are hospitalized in Rambam in the different departments according to clinical need. Rambam is a tertriary hospital with 1000 bedssee aboveThe department is affiliated to the technion medical schoolThe trainee will be allowed to be present in the different activities of the department in a 'hands off' maner.Applied to/with simulators, No hands-on training possibleWe see great importance in this project and will be happy to take partnonNoFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistTwo yearsNoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
AmirMariNazareth Hospital EMMSNazarethIsraelIL_Nazareth Hospital EMMSNazhosp.comFunctional disordersJuly, August, September, October, NovemberGastroenterologyThe main feild of the department is Neurogastroenterology and Motility DisordersGI endoscopy unit ERCP GI motility testings Breath tests1475Particpate at manometry studies Particpate at ph monitoring studies Particpate at multidisciplinary meetings Analysis of manometry studiesNo hands-on training possibleNoFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)NoEnglish is sufficient., English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
RaananShamirTel-Aviv University Schneider Childrens Hospital Gastroenterology and NutritionPetach-TikvaIsraelIL_Tel-Aviv University Schneider Childrens Hospital Gastroenterology and NutritionPediatric Intestinal failure, pediatric IBD, pediatric liver disease and transplantationJanuary, February, March, November, DecemberInstituter for Gastroenterology, Nutrition and Liver DiseasesNational referral center for PEDGI disordersNational IBD referral center, bedside intestinal ultrasound, Advanced endoscopy, national liver transplantation center24030Observation onlyNo hands-on training possibleVisa from some non EU countriesFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistNoneNoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.No
IrisDotanRabin Medical CenterPetah TikvaIsraelIL_Rabin Medical Center, IBD, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disorders, GI Oncology, Nutrition and small intestine,January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterologyThe division of Gastroenterology at the Rabin Medical Center is the largest in Israel, including the centers at Beilinson and Hasharon hospitals. Many of our specialist physicians are leaders in their field of expertise (IBD, advanced endoscopy, neurogastroenterology, familial adenomatous polyposis, cancer). The division has access to an extensive patient population, a surgical tertiary care referral center for IBD, esophageal and gastric diseases, hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases, and a laboratory dedicated to basic research in gastroenterology. Rabin Medical Center is the largest Israeli center for liver transplantations. The staff includes ~40 physicians, 15 specialist nurses, and ~ 10 highly trained basic researchers, technicians and coordinators. The IBD Center is staffed by seven senior gastroenterologists and five fellows as well as pediatric gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, dieticians, internists, and rheumatologists, thus providing multidisciplinary care to IBD patients. The Center includes a clinical IBD service, a unit for clinical trials, and a basic research laboratory in mucosal immunology. An especially unique feature of the clinical IBD service is a Pouch Clinic dedicated to patients with ulcerative colitis undergoing restorative proctocolectomy. Iris Dotan, MD, is the Director of the Division of Gastroenterology. She is a world renowned leader in the field of IBD. The Advanced Endoscopy unit is staffed by six senior gastroenterologists highly trained in cutting edge procedures. It intensely interacts with hepatobiliary surgeons, internists, pathologists and imaging experts. Multiple educational programs are implemented in the center's routines: IBD tutoring: in the outpatients clinics, in a weekly IBD meeting and weekly laboratory meeting. Invasive endoscopy tutoring daily in the endoscopy suits, weekly meeting with the hepatobiliary surgeons, a weekly tumor board and dedicated clinic. There is a weekly division meeting and weekly grand rounds, a weekly journal club, hepatobiliary meeting, neurogastroenterology meeting to name a few. Fellows at their rotations or elective periods are invited to participate in all activities, held in English.The Division of Gastroenterology occupies an entire wing at the Rabin Medical Center. There are 6 fully equipped endoscopy suits, where cutting edge invasive endoscopic procedures are performed 5 days a week, 12 hours/day. Thousands of patients visit the out patients clinic, and hundreds are admitted to the various hospital wards. The Felsenstein Medical Research Center is a basic science institution including the expertise and equipment required for the performance of basic research. The Division of Gastroenterology has several unique clinics, such as a comprehensive pouch clinic, a clinic for morbidly obese patients including minimally invasive procedures and bariatric surgery, and a clinic for patients at risk for familial cancer. The hepatology institute is in immediate proximity and has specific services for patients pre and post liver transplantation. The division has a conference room, access to computers and the internet, and it enjoys the clinical and scientific milieu of the Rabin Medical Center, one of Israel's leading Super centers.1200N/AThere are ~1200 admission beds in the Rabin. Dozens of admission beds are occupied by patients with GI disorders, mainly in the Division of Surgery, Departments of Internal Medicine, and in the subspecialty departments (dermatology, gynecology). In addition Multiple beds in the Department for Internal Consultations are dedicated to ambulatory treatment of patients with GI disorders.The trainee is allowed to participate as an observer in all activities. If the trainee is certified in gastroenterology and has expertise in the performed procedures their participation may be considered.Applied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsThe trainee is allowed to participate as an observer in all activities. If the trainee is certified in gastroenterology and has expertise in the performed procedures their participation may be considered.As in previous section may participate as an observerFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)Preferred after gastroenterology certificationNoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.English. Frequently spoken languages in the Division in addition to Hebrew and English are Russian, Arabic, French, and Amhari.Yes
EloyEspín-BasanyUniversità degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"Aversa (CE)ItalyIT_Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Functional disorders, GI OncologyFebruary, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, NovemberColorectal SurgeryThe colorectal unit is composed of several experienced colorectal surgeons, an internist, and five trainees. The team has experience in training international fellows in robotic surgery, minimally invasive surgery, transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS and TEO). There are dedicated MDT in place to manage IBD patients, patients with early and advanced colorectal cancer, patients with incontinence and constipation, and proctological diseases. The unit has several outpatient clinics with several diagnostic tools available (endoanal and endorectal US, dynamic perineal US-defecography). Being a teaching hospital, several teaching sessions are organised every week. The Unit has expertise in research, and can provide tutoring on academic tasks as well.The Unit has a minimum of ten operative theatre lists per week. There are two Da Vinci Xi robots, with simulator modules available. ICG and 3D laparoscopy are available. There are simulators to practice laparoscopic skills. The fellow can have access to the library of the Campus. Diagnostic tools include 3D ultrasound and endoscopy.500-100030 or more based on requirementsAttend the colorectal surgical ward, the outpatient clinics, the multidisciplinary meetings, operative theatres. The fellow can make use of robotic simulators. Hands-on tasks can be performed under supervision, provided all requirements are in place.Applied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsHands-on patients will depend on clearance of local license registrationSometimesFrequentlySurgeon (with GI focus)Personalised programmes will be developed based on the fellow experience; surgical trainees at all stages and early year consultants are welcome to visit.YesEnglish is sufficient.Yes
RenatoCannizzaroCentro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) Aviano IRCCSAvianoItalyIT_Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) Aviano IRCCS disorders, GI Oncology, Nutrition and small intestine,February, May, OctoberOncological GastroenterologyPrimitive and secondary neoplasms of digestive tract Diagnosis and therapy of gastrointestinal and hepatic damage by chemo-radiotherapy Neuroendocrine tumors of digestive tractThe Division is composed of: a) a Clinical Section, dealing with gastroenterology and hepatology consulting in patients affected by genetic syndrome of colon cancer, gastric precancerosis, neuroendocrine and gastrointestinal and liver neoplasms and gastrointestinal and hepatic involvement during chemoradiotherapy; Day Hospital consultations and inpatient activities pertaining to its Department b) an Endoscopy Section, regarding diagnosis and operative functions, as well as activities dedicated to oncological digestive physiopathology.11010Clinical Case discussion, participation to Department ActivitiesApplied to/with simulatorsSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistnoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
AlbertoTringaliConegliano HOSPITALConeglianoItalyIT_Conegliano HOSPITALUlss2 marca trevigianaEndoscopyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberMedicineBiliopancreatic disease Ercp -EUS EMR ESD ZenkerUltra sound scan , CT scan, MRI Eus, ERCP500-6006-10Observer EMR- ERCP EUsApplied to patients, Applied to/with simulators, No hands-on training possibleInizialmente training to patientsApplication open to EU/non EU citizens Insurance should be providedFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistBASIC skill in digestive endoscopy ( gastroscopy and colonoscopy) and able to perform urgent endoscopy ( treatment of upper and lower GI bleeding Knowledge in Gastroenterology and biliopancreatic diseaseYes Better registration to italian registryEnglish is sufficient., English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
FabioMarraUniversità degli studi di FirenzeFirenzeItalyIT_Università degli studi di Firenzewww.aou-careggi.toscana.itHepatologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, NovemberInternal Medicine and Hepatology UnitThe Internal Medicine and Hepatology Unit consists of 20 beds where inpatients with hepatic diseases admitted from the emergency department or followed in the outpatient clinics are treated. These latter include patients requiring procedures such as TIPS placement, ablative treatments for HCC, intra-arterial treatments like TACE or TARE. The same unit manages a broad outpatient activity, seeing 10 to 15 patients in each clinic: - four clinics for patients with chronic viral hepatitis (Dr. Stefano Gitto) - one clinic for patients with autoimmune liver diseases (Prof. Fabio Marra) - one clinic for patients with portal hypertension (Prof. Vizzutti) - three clinics for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, one of which is shared with the Oncology unit (Dr.ssa Claudia Campani) - one clinic for patients with metabolic liver diseases (Prof. Fabio Marra) - one general Hepatology clinic (Prof. Fabio Marra) - one liver transplant clinic that follows patients before and after liver transplantation (Dr. Stefano Gitto) - one clinic for first hepatologic consultations for patients referred by the emergency department, other hospital units, or general practitioners (Dr.ssa Claudia Campani, Dr. Davide Roccarina) The Unit of Internal Medicine and Hepatology also conducts daily diagnostic and interventional ultrasound activities (upper abdomen, splanchnic vessel Doppler US, contrast-enhanced ultrasound, liver biopsy- Dr. Davide Roccarina, Dr.ssa Claudia Campani, Dr. Umberto Arena). The Internal Medicine and Hepatology division also oversees the laboratory of Translational Hepatology, where various basic and translational research projects on primary liver tumors (hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma), liver fibrosis, and MASLD are conducted (Prof. Fabio Marra, Dr.ssa Chiara Raggi, Dr.ssa Claudia Campani).Inpatient ward; day hospital section; ultrasound activity; outpatient clinics, research laboratory2015The fellow will be able to participate in all activities available at our facility: - Rounding with attending and fellow - Participation as observer in all procedures performed in the Unit, Day Hospital, Ultrasound service, hepatic hemodynamic service, including diagnostic and therapeutic paracentesis, liver biopsy (percutaneous and transjugular), measurement of HVPG and placement of TIPS - Active participation in multidisciplinary meetings to present/discuss complex clinical cases, including participation in meetings of the multidisciplinary tumor board for primary liver tumors - Active participation in outpatient clinics where she/he will gain specific expertise in the management of chronic liver disease of different etiologies, liver transplantation, cirrhosis and its complication like portal hypertension and hepatocellular carcinoma. - If interested, the fellow may visit and attend the Laboratory of translational hepatology.No hands-on training possibleNoNoFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistMedical doctors, preferably with one year experience in HepatologyNoEnglish is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
RobertoPenaginiUniversità degli Studi di MilanoMilanItalyIT_Università degli Studi di Milanowww.policlinico.mi.itEndoscopy, IBD, Gastro-duodenal disorders, Pancreatico-biliary, Nutrition and small intestine, Functional disordersFebruary, March, May, September, October, NovemberGastroenterology and endoscopy UnitGastroenterology: Disorders of esophageal motility, chronic gastritis, celiac disease, primary lymphangectasia, eosinophilic gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), recto-anal disorders, pancreatic and biliary dosorders, gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NET), rare malabsorption syndromes. Operative endoscopy: portal hypertension, cholestatic liver disorders, gastrointestinal polyposis, inflammatory bowel disease, palliation of stenosis, endoscopic approach to biliary stenosis after transplant, endoscopic ultrasound in the management of pancreatic neoplasms.Outpatients Department; Endoscopy Unit with 5 rooms including x-Ray facilities (number of endoscopies/year 8000); Other investigations within our Centre: abdominal ultrasound (number /year: 4000), liver biopsies (number/year: 200), manometric procedures (upper and lower GI) and pH impedance studies (number/year : 600); independent laboratory for determination of gastrointestinal hormones (number of determinations/year: 528). As teaching facilities we have a 250 seats theatre, a 100 seats and a 50 seats lecture rooms, an endoscopic simulator for upper and lower endoscopy training (Symbionix)2020Watch activities, cooperate with the tutorApplied to/with simulatorsFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistAt least after the phase of clinical post-graduate training in gastroenterologyNot for a visiting fellowshipEnglish is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
VIRGINIASOLITANOUniversita Vita-Salute San RaffaeleMilanItalyIT_Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, October, November, DecemberGastroenterologyThe Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Unit of Ospedale San Raffaele is considered among the most important centres for research and advanced therapeutic endoscopy worldwide; it has performed the highest number of transoral fundoplication for Gastro- Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in Europe. It is a centre of excellence with the largest case series in Italy for the early diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic diseases and tumours. It is a regional reference centre for celiac disease and primary sclerosing cholangitis. The Unit also has the greatest Italian caseload of diagnostic and operative endoscopic procedures. In addition, the Precision Medicine Unit is specialized in studying and creating a preventive and personalized path of medicine dedicated to first-degree relatives of patients with cancer of the intestine, stomach and pancreas. The goal of this programme is to evaluate their risk of developing a tumour and then propose a diagnostic route aimed at prevention.Gastroenterology Ward IBD clinic Endoscopy and US services3030Shadow all the activities of an IBD expert, active participation in therapeutic decision and research discussionNo hands-on training possibleVISA according to Italian immigration gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)At least PGY 3NoEnglish is sufficient.Advanced English levelYes
PatriziaBurraGastroenterology/Multivisceral Transplant Unit, Padua University HospitalPaduaItalyIT_Gastroenterology/Multivisceral Transplant Unit, Padua University Hospital,2662 and,3222Endoscopy, IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, GI OncologyFebruary, March, April, May, June, September, October, NovemberSurgery, Oncology, and GastroenterologyThe Gastroenterology/Multivisceral Transplant Unit is dedicated to the management of patients with acute or chronic gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Specifically, this includes: cirrhosis and its complications, liver transplantation, inflammatory bowel diseases, GI-bleeding, achalasia and disorders of esophageal motility, acute and chronic pancreatic and biliary diseases, GI and liver cancers. Educational program will include: 1) rounding with attending and fellows; 2) participation to multidisciplinary meetings with radiologists, ICU, surgeons, and oncologists to discuss complex cases of patients with GI and liver diseases; 3) participation to outpatient clinics with specific interest on celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome, IBD, autoimmune liver disease, HCC, viral hepatitis, pancreatic liver disease, viral hepatitis, alcohol related liver disease, NASH, vascular liver diseases, and liver transplantation; 4) endoscopy for upper and lower GI (including polypectomy and dilation of esophageal stricture), biliary and pancreatic diseases (diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP and spy glass), complications of portal hypertension (variceal ligation and sclerotherapy); 5) liver biopsy and fibroscan; 6) participation to TIPS procedure and other endovascular techniques to manage complications of portal hypertension, including measurement of HVPG and transjugular liver biopsy; 7) participation to meetings to discuss management of liver transplant waiting list; 8) liver and GI center seminars and other periodic educational events (research meetings and discussion of clinical cases).Inpatient ward; day hospital section; endoscopy and radiology suites; outpatient clinics, research laboratories.3030Rounding with attending and fellow; assist and participate as observer to all procedures performed in the ward, day hospital, and endoscopy/radiology including diagnostic and therapeutic paracentesis, liver biopsy (percutaneous and transjugular), upper and lower endoscopy (including ERCP and procedures for management of complications of portal hypertension), measurement of HVPG and placement of TIPS; actively participate to multidisciplinary meetings and present/discuss complex clinical cases; actively participate to meetings for management of GI and liver cancer and liver transplant waiting list; learn how to manage patients with acute and chronic GI and liver diseases, including liver transplantation; actively participate to outpatient clinics where to gain specific expertise in the management of viral related liver disease, liver transplantation, alcohol related liver disease, vascular liver diseases and portal hypertension, viral related liver diseases, HCC, autoimmune liver disease, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.Applied to patientsThe overall environment for training in management of liver disease will be supportive and the candidates will have unrestricted access to our center's core facilities.NoFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistMDNoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
GiovanniMarchegianiUniversity of PaduaPaduaItalyIT_University of PaduaWww.unipd.itEndoscopy, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, surgery, liver transplantJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, DecemberDISCOG Department of Surgery Gastroenterology and OncologyTop expert center in Hepato Pancreato Biliary disease, both clinical and surgical. Advanced Pancreatobiliary endoscopy. Liver transplantation program.Hospital wards, labs, endoscopy, operating rooms8080SometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)English is sufficient., English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
Giacomo Emanuele MariaRizzoISMETT - University of PalermoPalermoItalyIT_ISMETT - University of Palermo, February, March, June, September, October, NovemberGastroenterology Unit, Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic ServicesBilio-pancreatic diseases, Upper GI with stenting and endoscopic sutures, diagnostic and therapeutics EUS, ERCPEndoscopy service (including radiological and normal endoscopic rooms), outpatient clinic, day hospital.44ObservershipApplied to/with simulatorsSometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)Not necessaryEnglish is sufficient.No
MariannaSignorettiRavenna Hospital, AUSL RomagnaRavennaItalyIT_Ravenna Hospital, AUSL Romagna AND, Pancreatico-biliary, Gastro-duodenal disorders, GI OncologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterology• Diagnostic Procedures: various diagnostic procedures are performed to identify gastrointestinal conditions, including Abdominal ultrasound, EGDS, colonoscopy, ERCP, EUS and enteroscopy. • Treatment Modalities: range of gastrointestinal disorders such as pancreatic disorders, and gastrointestinal cancers , neuroendocrine tuomurs ( ENETS center),GERD, ulcers, IBD, IBS, liver diseases. • Therapeutic Endoscopy: ERCP, stent placement, EMR, ESD, and emergency procedures (eg. hemostasis for bleeding ulcers). • Advanced Endoscopic Procedures: EMR and ESD for early-stage cancers, , ERCP for biliary and pancreatic disorders, and EUS for imaging and sampling. • Research and Education: research to advance gastrointestinal and pancreatic diseases understanding and treatment. Educational programs for medical students, residents, fellows, and physicians, including lectures, workshops, hands-on training, and CME courses. • Collaboration: Gastroenterologists collaborate with surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, and nutritionists to provide comprehensive care.1. Endoscopy Suites: Equipped for procedures such as upper endoscopy (EGD), colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and advanced procedures like endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). 2. Procedure Rooms: Two rooms designed to accommodate various endoscopic procedures comfortably and safely, with appropriate lighting, monitoring equipment, and anesthesia support. 3. Prep and Recovery Areas: Dedicated spaces for pre-procedure preparation and post-procedure recovery, ensuring patient comfort and safety. 4. Endoscopy Equipment: Including endoscopes, video monitors, insufflators, and ancillary equipment required for performing endoscopic procedures. 5. Diagnostic Imaging: Facilities for imaging studies such as CT scans, MRI scans, and ultrasound to complement endoscopic evaluations. 6. Pathology Laboratories: Facilities for processing and analyzing tissue samples obtained during endoscopic procedures to aid in diagnosis. 7. Anesthesia Support: Anesthesia equipment and trained anesthesia staff to provide sedation or anesthesia during endoscopic procedures as needed. 8. Patient Consultation Rooms: Private consultation rooms where patients can discuss their medical history, symptoms, and treatment plans with gastroenterologists and endoscopists.58420No hands-on training possibleFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistEnglish is sufficient., English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
GianlucaIaniroFondazione Policlinico Universitario "A. Gemelli" IRCCS, Catholic University of RomeRomeItalyIT_Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "A. Gemelli" IRCCS, Catholic University of Romewww.policlinicogemelli.itEndoscopy, IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disorders, GI Oncology, Paediatrics, Nutrition and small intestine,, Microbiota, FMTJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of Medical and Surgical SciencesGastroenterology, Hepatology, Endoscopy, Ultrasound, IBD, IBS, microbiota"Clinical ward dedicated to acute and chronic GI disorders, including emergencies, outpatient clinic, one-day hospitalization, clinical pathways dedicated to IBD, liver diseases, functional GI disorders, pancreatobiliary disorders, FMT service, diagnostic and interventional ultrasonography, diagnostic and interventional endoscopy"1600120"The trainee can choose between the following pathways: Clinical ward dedicated to acute and chronic GI disorders, including emergencies, outpatient clinic, one-day hospitalisation, clinical pathways dedicated to IBD, liver diseases, functional GI disorders, pancreatobiliary disorders, FMT service, diagnostic and interventional ultrasonography, diagnostic and interventional endoscopy"Endoscopy hands-on: being only 15 days, they can observe and practice hands-on with training models, but not on patientsApplied to/with simulators"The fellow should have just an agreement with the institution (so this agreement should be done before his-her arrival)"FrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistGeneral knowledge in gastroenterology, minimum experience in endoscopyNoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
MilutinBulajicIsola Tiberina - Gemelli Isola HospitalRomeItalyIT_Isola Tiberina - Gemelli Isola Hospital, Pancreatico-biliaryFebruary, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, DecemberDigestive Endoscopy Unit, Center of Excellence for Gastroeintestinal and Metabolic DisordersExpertise of department: We perform bot diagnostic and interventional endoscopy, including ERCP, EUS, ESD, EMR, POEM, Zenker myotomy, intestinal stenting, PEG, all types of emergency endoscopy Educational Programmes: Seminars in Digestive Endoscopy Technology Innovation Chance to participate at research projects3 digestive endoscopy rooms outpatient service inpatient service clinical consultations hospital rounds tumor board30010 (digestive endoscopy + internal medicine)Observership Discussion of clinical cases Hospital rounds Outpatient serviceNo hands-on training possibleMandatory general insurance General health permitSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistnot necessarynot necessaryEnglish is sufficient.Yes
BrunoAnnibaleUniversity Hospital S. AndreaRomeItalyIT_University Hospital S. Andrea, Gastro-duodenal disorders, GI OncologyMarch, April, May, October, NovemberClinical and Surgical Sciences and Traslational MedicineOur GI Department is Center of Excellence for Neuroendocrina Tumors (ENET) Great expertise on Gastric preoneoplastic and neoplastic lesionsCafeteria , Laboratories for AI, Library45016Applied to patientsFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
RobertoSalviaUnit of General and Pancreatic Surgery – The Pancreas Institute VeronaVeronaItalyIT_Unit of General and Pancreatic Surgery – The Pancreas Institute Verona, March, April, May, June, September, October, NovemberDepartment of Surgery, Dentistry, Paediatrics and Gynaecology - University of VeronaPancreatic surgery, pancreatic neoplasms, pancreatic diseasesHospital ward, day hospital, operating rooms, oncologic psychology, ARC-Net biobanking lab4242Operating room observer, surgeon’s assistantNo hands-on training possibleFrequentlyFrequentlySurgeon (with GI focus), Radiologist with interest in GI imaging and interventionsAt least 2 years of residency in surgeryYesEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
LucaFrulloniUniversity of Verona - Gastroenterology and Endoscopy UnitVeronaItalyIT_University of Verona - Gastroenterology and Endoscopy UnitPancreatico-biliaryJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, NovemberMedicineInflammatory and neoplastic diseases of the pancreasUpper and lower endoscopy with diagnostic and interventional procedures EUS (contrast enhanced, elastography) including FNAB/FNAC ERCP with interventional procedures pH-metry, manometry Radiology (CT, MR, US, CE-US) with sections dedicated to pancreatic diseases Pathology with sections dedicated to pancreatic diseases Oncology Multidisciplinary sections to discuss difficul cases1414possibility to clinical evaluate patients suffering from uncommon pancreatic diseases; interdisciplinary meeting on pancreatic diseases oevery thursday; interdisciplinary meeting on neoplastic pancreatic diseases every monday; interdisciplinary meeting on endocrine pancreatic tumor every month.Depending on trainee skillnessApplied to patientslicense to practice medicine in EU, submission of application to our Hospital/UniversityNoFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistnonenoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
DritonShabaniUCCK PrishtinePrishtineKosovoXK_UCCK Prishtineshskuk.rks-gov.netEndoscopyMarch, April, May, JuneClinicel of Gastroenterology.SHSKUK3636.Upper and lower endoscopyApplied to/with simulators.NoNoMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist2NoEnglish is sufficient.No
JuozasJarašūnasVilnius University hospital Santaros klinikosVilniusLithuaniaLT_Vilnius University hospital Santaros klinikos OncologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, August, September, October, NovemberInterventional radiology departmentVarious interventional abdominal procedures every day 1) liver and all other organ biopsies in ultrasound or CT guidance 2) Abscess drainages 3) Biliary interventions 4) Liver and other organs thermal ablations 4) TACE, TARE. 5) TIPS 6) Embolizations due to bleeding. 7) Adrenal veins samplingCT room only dedicated to interventional radiology service. C arm suite for biliary procedures. 2 Angio suites (monoplane and biplane) for vascular procedures. Ultrasound guided interventions room with GE Logiq E9We do not have beds in our department, but we use day beds from hospitals day bed surgical department. They give us 4 day beds every day.-Observership.No hands-on training possible-NoFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Radiologist with interest in GI imaging and interventionsWould be better if the clinician would be familiar with such interventions in his workplace, but not mandatory.NoEnglish is sufficient.-Yes
WafaaKhannoussiMohammed VI foundation international University hospitalsCasablancaMoroccoMA_Mohammed VI foundation international University hospitalsEndoscopy, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliaryJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberEndoscopy and GIHPB endoscopy GI oncology General GIWard hospitalized patients Day clinic Outpatient clinic Endoscopy center : standard and therapeutic endoscopy , EUS, ERCPAround 500 each hospital ( 2 sites)Around 20English. French . Arabic. Some members of the team speak German and spanishSimilar tasks as residents of the Trainee levelApplied to patients, Applied to/with simulators, Applied to animalsApplied to patients is on case by case ,depending on the Trainee level and recommandations from mentors and patient consentSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistFellow all levelsA prior agreement from hospital administration is necessaryEnglish is sufficient.Yes
Rogier P.VoermansAmsterdam University Medical CenterAmsterdamNetherlandsNL_Amsterdam University Medical Centerwww.amsterdamumc.nlEndoscopy, IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, Gastro-duodenal disorders, GI Oncology, Nutrition and small intestine, NeurogastroenterologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterology and hepatologyWe provide top clinical care as well as research in almost all field of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. We have well known experts in the field of endoscopy, advanced endoscopy, HPB diseases, neurogastroenterology, IBD, and colorectal disease, upper GI neoplasia, and small bowel diseasesWe have 9 endoscopy suites, including 2 full equiped ERCP rooms. We also have a dedicated neurogastroenterology functional lab.150024Active observershipNo hands-on training possibleFellows are more than welcome. We prefer an extended period of at least 4 in stead of 2 weeks. But 2 weeks is possibel as well in case extension is not possible for the fellowNoFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistNo minimal clinical experience needed. However, given the academic and tertiary care we deliver a few years of gastroenterology and endoscopy training helps to get most out of the observerships.NoEnglish is sufficient.Yes
DanielKeszthelyiMaastricht University Medical CenterMaastrichtNetherlandsNL_Maastricht University Medical CenterNeurogastroenterologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of Gastroenterology-HepatologyWhole spectrum of neurogastroentetology with specific emphasis on integrative/multidisciplinary approach. Trainees particupate in performing and interpreting GI motility tests and outpatient consultations, often together with a GI psychologist, psychiatrist or dietician.GI motility lab including manometry of esophagus, antroduodenal and colonic manometry, H2 and 13C breath tests, pH/impedance measurements, dumping test Endoscopy unit80025Performing and interpreting GI motility test Participation in neurogastro clinical MDT Participation in neurogastro research meeting Shadowing during outpatient consultation (Dutch language skills required) Shadowing in endoscopy (G-POEM)Applied to patientsScreening for MRSA, Hepatitis B and tuberculosis (to be performed upon arrival)SometimesSometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistMinimum 3 years experienceNoEnglish is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
MarjolijnDuijvesteinRadboudumcNijmegenNetherlandsNL_RadboudumcIBDJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, NovemberGastroenterology and HepatologyIBD, HPB, advanced endoscopy, intestinal failure. Furthermore, > 20 dieticians from our department provide nutrional care for the university hospitalWe are an academic hospital and participate in the general medicine training programme, provide PhD tracks as well as a residency program for GI trainees. We have a joint morning report as well as ward together with the GI surgeons.1616Mentor depends on primary interest of fellowObservation, interaction with team, discuss patients, attend morning report as well as multidisciplinary meetings.No hands-on training possiblenoFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistFellow should be free of MRSA and other multi resistant bacteria.English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
JudithHoningErasmus McRotterdam NetherlandsNL_Erasmus McEndoscopy, GI OncologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterologyOur department offers a wide range of academic expertise in various GE problems. In our upper GI oncology team we are specialized in the recognition and surveillance of upper GI neoplasia, and endoscopic treatment such as EMR/ESD of early cancer. Within our upper GI team we collaborate closely with surgeons, oncologist and radiotherapist. The fellow can choose from all aspects of upper GI care delivered by our team, including the MDT, outpatient department and joining endoscopic and surgical procedures.7 endoscopy units, 30 beds on the ward3015The trainee can participate in minor research projects joining one of the oncology team members. The trainee will be allowed to join the various team members of the upper GI team and as such join clinical consultations with the oncologist and join in theatre for upper GI surgery.No hands-on training possibleIf not an EU-citizen, a visa is required. One week before the visit, a MRSA check within our institute is required.FrequentlyNoMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)Needs to be a specialty registrar in Gastro, any level in Gastro training is sufficient.No.English is sufficient.Yes
LarsAabakkenRikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet HFOsloNorwayNO_Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet HFwww.ous.noEndoscopy, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliaryAugust, September, October, NovemberDept. Of Medical GastroenterologyGI endoscopy/hepatology/transplantation medicine and Postgraduate trainingEndoscopy, inpatient ward50015Only transplant center in norwayParticipation in clinical workNo hands-on training possibleFrequentlySometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistnone but not very useful without itnoEnglish is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.MRSA screeningYes
EwaMalecka-WojcieskoMedical University of LódzLodzPolandPO_Medical University of Lódzwww.umed.lodz.plPancreatico-biliaryFebruary, March, April, May, June, September, NovemberDigestive Tract DiseasesPancreatic cancer detection, Pancreatic cancer biomarkers, EUS with biopsy,Pancreatic cancer surgery -cooperation, ERCP, RFA, Cholangio and pancreatoscopy,IBD biological treatment since 2000, Gastroenterology Clinic on the siteG.I.ward, 21 beds,Endoscopy Unit:full range of endoscopic procedures, Radiology Department-cooperation.IBD biological tratment;Research on Pancreatic cancer, acute pancreatitis, IBS, IBD, Gastroenterology Clinic21allleading pancreatology center in Poland, very busy endoscopy Unit, full range of gastrointestinal diseases chronic and acuteGround Rounds,Endoscopy observation, performing the procedures depends on the trainee skills, possibility of research,patients care, Gastroenterology Clinic assistanceApplied to patientsPatients hands-on training is an option depending on the trainee skills, but is possibleyes, for non EU citiziensSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus), Radiologist with interest in GI imaging and interventionsbasic endoscopic skills will be an assettnoEnglish is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.noneNo
Edyta MariaTulewicz-MartiNational Medical Institute of Ministry of Interior and AdministrationWarsawPolandPO_National Medical Institute of Ministry of Interior and Administration, IBD, Gastro-duodenal disorders, Nutrition and small intestineMarch, April, May, June, August, SeptemberClinical Department of Internal Medicine and GastroenterologyDepartment of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, carried out by Prof. Grażyna Rydzewska, deals with comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, with particular focus on inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease), as well as pancreatic diseases (acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, autoimmune pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, including cystic tumors). In the field of the digestive tract, comprehensive tests and procedures, including: abdominal ultrasound, gastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, double-balloon enteroscopy of the small intestine, capsule examinations, endosonography, polypectomy, submucosal dissection, cholangiopancreatography of the biliary tract with the option of confocal laser endomicroscopy, drainage of pancreatic cysts, pH-metry and transrectal ultrasound are performed. In addition, we conduct a number of scientific and clinical research, thanks to which we are able to provide treatment at the most modern level. The Clinic also offers the possibility of consultation with a dietitian specialist and a clinical psychologist. The Clinic also has Gastroenterology and Intestinal and Pancreatic outpatient clinic.What is more, observational clinical fellowship will be provided by our department. It will be possible to follow outpatient clinic and patients on the ward. However all the patients may not be able to speak in English. Therefore, the tutor will provide the explanation in English during the consultation. As a result we assure you the observation of the different types of the procedures inlcuding endoscopy and hands-on-training in abdominal ultrasound.57 beds in totalup to 57 beds, however some beds may be occupied by other internal medicine pathologyAs with any of our trainees, visiting trainees will join one of our staff physicians and accompany them during procedures and consultationsNo hands-on training possibleThe trainee is allowed to participate as an observer in all activities. In case she/he are certified in gastroenterology and have expertise in the performed procedures their participation may be discussed.NoneNoFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)No specific requirementNoEnglish is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
Rui TatoMarinhoHospital Santa Maria, Medical School of LisbonLisbonPortugalPT_Hospital Santa Maria, Medical School of Lisbon, IBD, Hepatology, GI Oncology, PaediatricsJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, NovemberGastroenterology and HepatologyThe bigest Hospital of Portugal UEG Visiting Clinical Center for the last 6 years International Federation Medical Students Residents in Gastroenterology. Accreditation in Gastroenterology for Medical Board of Portugal Residents in Hepatology. Accreditation in Hepatology for Medical Board of Portugal Residents in Internal Medicine for gastroenterology Medical School (all six years) Elective in Gastroenterology Simulation Center in Medical School with facilities of Endoscopy and Ultrasound Masters in Palliative Care New Endoscopic Unit with more space, with modern equipment, around 25.000 exams each yearEndoscopic Unit for techniques in Gastroenterology (25.000 exams/year) Day Hospital (for IBD, paracentesis, liver biopsy, hepatocellular carcinoma) following 800 patients Ward of 14 beds for GI patients (800 patients/year) Liver Unit with 7 beds Outpatient Department (25.000 consultations/year) Teaching in Medical School Emergency on duty GI (24 hours by 7)2121Strong linkage to other Hospitals (liver transplant), GPs, Emergency Department of around 170.000 patients year It is a Department with 110 health care professionals. International publications in Hepatology, IBD Strong Unit in IBDObserving GI procedures, observing patients in wards, simulation, outpatient consultations, Day Hospital, elastography (Fibroscan)Applied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsExpertise and research in viral hepatitis C and B, hepatocellular carcinoma, NASH, portal hypertension, ERCP, IBDNoSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, GastroenterologistNot necessaryNoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
MarioDinis-RibeiroIPO PortoPortoPortugalPT_IPO PortoEndoscopy, GI OncologyJuly, SeptemberDept. of GastroenterologyGI Oncology and Endoscopy - Diagnostic and Therapeutic Early Cancer ResearchOutpatient and inpatient Endoscopy unit Multidisciplinary200variableIPO is a Comprehensive Cancer Centre with Consortia with I3S and University of PortoObserve procedures, attend outpatients and inpatients observation Collaborate in educational and research activitiesNo hands-on training possibledependent on COVID-19 pandemiaFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
GabrielConstantinescuClinical Emergency Hospital BucharestBucharestRomaniaRO_Clinical Emergency Hospital Bucharesthttp://www.urgentafloreasca.roEndoscopy, Pancreatico-biliaryJanuary, February, March, April, May, September, October, NovemberDept. of GastroenterologyOur department is mainly focused on interventional endoscopy and urgent endoscopy. We are performing about (for 1 year): - 13000 upper and lower digestive endoscopies - 1000 ERCP mainly therapeutic - 1000 Upper GI bleedings - 600 polypectomies - 300 removal of foreign bodies - 300 procedures for stenosis dilation - 20 procedures for achalasia-balloon dilation - 20 procedures for PEG placement, 500 endoscopic ultrasoundThe opportunity of allowing the applicant hands-on training. We have 4 rooms for endoscopy, 1 radiology dedicated room for ERCP, 1 room for ultrasonography, including intervention ultrasound. We use EXERA II and III Olympus scopes, Siemens S2000 ultrasound, Spyglass cholangioscopy, endoscopic ultrasound80030It is a very friendly environment for fellows and residentsHands on training under supervisionApplied to patientsEU-citizensFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, GastroenterologistWe require for the trainee to have a minimum prior training in endoscopy/colonoscopy/ERCP/ This means at least 300 upper GI endoscopies/ 200 colonoscopies/50 ERCPnoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
CarmenFierbinteanuEmergency University Hospital BucharestBucharestRomaniaRO_Emergency University Hospital Bucharestwww.suub.roEndoscopy, IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disordersJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, AugustGastroenterologyClinical gastroenterology and internal medicine Endsocopy Colonoscopy ERCP EUSUltrasound Endoscopy ERCP EUS Non invasive hepatic tests3030Clinical examination of the patients Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy Diagnoatic and therapeutic colonoscopy Non invasive hepatic teste UltrasoundApplied to patientsSometimesSometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist3rd year residencyEnglish is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
VladimirMilivojevicClinical Centar of Serbia, Belgrade UniversityBelgradeSerbiaRS_Clinical Centar of Serbia, Belgrade, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disorders, Nutrition and small intestineJanuary, February, March, April, May, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterology and hepatologyEndoscopy,ERCP,gastroscopy,colonoscopy,IBD,Clinical gastroenterology,GI bleeding, Helicobacter pylori, Nutrition.All kind of endoscopy, cholangiscopy,ERCP,EUS,outpatients,inpatients200070Mentor position,ERCP department leadInpatient and outpatient treatment assistance, ERCP observation,All kind of endoscopy observation, IBD treatment assistance, physical examination, medical report writingNo hands-on training possibleNoFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus), Radiologist with interest in GI imaging and interventions, Other (e.g. Pathologist, Paediatrician…)1 yearNoEnglish is sufficient., English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
DusanPopovicUniversity Clinical Hospital Center "Dr. Dragisa Misovic-Dedinje"BelgradeSerbiaRS_University Clinical Hospital Center "Dr. Dragisa Misovic-Dedinje", IBD, Hepatology, Gastro-duodenal disordersFebruary, March, April, May, June, September, October, NovemberDepartment for Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Clinic for Internal MedicineClinical gastroenterology and hepatology, IBD, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, internal medicineGastroenterology and Hepatology Ward, Endoscopy unit (Upper endoscopy, Lower endoscopy, EUS, ERCP), IBD Center, Outpatients Service54615observshipNo hands-on training possibleWe will assist scholarship winners in finding accommodation and other technical aspects of training.SometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistmust be in the last two years of clinical training or finished their trainingEnglish is sufficient., English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
TomasKollerComenius University Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital BratislavaBratislavaSlovakiaSK_Comenius University Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Bratislava, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliaryFebruary, March, SeptemberV. interna klinikaGeneral gastroenterology and hepatology, inpatients and outpatients IBD center, mostly outpatients ERCP EUS, EUS FNA Abdominal ultrasound Liver elastography Contrast enhanced ultrasound Department is affiliated to the Comenius University Faculty of Medicine, providing pre-graduate teaching in internal medicine and post-graduate specialist program teaching in gastroenterology and internal medicine.78 internal medicine beds 8 ICU beds86as needed from the pool of all bedsSpecialist and EU registered trainees in Gastroenterology and hepatology would be allowed to perform supervised abdominal ultrasound, liver elastography, experienced trainees in endoscopy also supervised gastroscopy or colonoscopyApplied to patientsAbdominal ultrasound and liver elastography Upper GI endoscopy only trainees in Gastroenterology with some competence in endoscopy- EU citizens need to be trainees in Gastroenterology or Internal Medicine and registered as medical practitioners in any EU member state - non-EU citizens need to be trainees in Gastroenterology or Internal Medicine and registered as practitioners in any member state - trainees who are not registered in any EU state and/or are not trainees in Gastroenterology will only allowed to observe proceduresSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistDepending on the previous experience: - no previous experience, they are welcome, but could only observe procedures (endoscopy, EUS, ERCP, IBD outpatients) - one year experience, they are welcome, could observe all procedures and could perform an abdominal ultrasound or liver elastography - experience in endoscopy, are welcome, could observe all procedures and perform some supervised diagnostic upper GI endoscopyneed to be registered as medical practitioners or specialty trainees in any EU member state to be able to perform supervised procedures, otherwise they will only be allowed to observe proceduresEnglish is sufficient.Yes
MatjazHomanUKC Ljubljana ID ZA DDV: SI 52111776LjubljanaSloveniaSI_UKC Ljubljana ID ZA DDV: SI 52111776PaediatricsMarch, April, May, September, October, NovemberDepartment for Gastroenterology Heaptology and NutritionEndoscopy, IBD, EoEAll necessary16913after signing the contract between the institutions there are no limitationsApplied to patientsFrequentlyFrequentlyOther (e.g. Pathologist, Paediatrician…)No, if it is from EUEnglish is sufficient.Yes
Enriquede-MadariaHospital General Universitario Dr. BalmisAlicanteSpainES_Hospital General Universitario Dr. Balmis, February, March, April, May, October, November, DecemberServicio de Aparato Digestivo, Unidad bilio-pancreáticaExtrahepatic biliary and pancreatic diseasesAdvanced endoscopy in biliarypancreatic diseases; the stance is not in the endoscopy unit, it is a clinical one80014 to biliary-pancreatic diseases (50 for GI in general)This is a purely clinical stance, good skills in Spanish are requiredTo integrate in the clinical care of patients with biliary pancreatic disordersNo hands-on training possibleGood skills at Spanish are highly desirableNoFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistNoKnowledge of the local language is in any case necessary to benefit from the fellowship.Yes
FrancescBalaguerHospital Clínic of BarcelonaBarcelonaSpainES_Hospital Clínic of Barcelonahttps://www.hospitalclinic.orgEndoscopy, GI OncologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterologyGastroenterology. High-risk digestive tumors clinic. Clinical and endoscopic management of high-risk conditions for colorectal and other digestive tumors (i.e. serrated polyposis, Lynch syndrome, FAP, etc). Medical degree, post-graduate, master programmes.Outpatient clinic, GI ward, Endoscopy unit (6 rooms)72024Award of the most prestigious GI Department in Spain.Observer during clinic, participation in multidisciplinary tumour boards, observer during specific endoscopy list for high-risk conditions.No hands-on training possibleFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)Residence/fellowship in gastroenterology; preferable experience in the management of high risk conditions.noEnglish is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
CarolinaMalageladaHospital Vall d`HebronBarcelonaSpainES_Hospital Vall d`Hebron disorders, NeurogastroenterologyFebruary, March, April, May, June, September, October, NovemberDigestive system - Motility UnitThe Vall d’Hebron Motility Unit is a national referral center for the evaluation of gastrointestinal motor disorders. Patients attended at the Unit are evaluated with advanced motility testing including esophageal manometry, gastric barostat, intestinal manometry, capsule endoscopy, colonic transit tests and ano-rectal manometry. The team at the Motility Unit is formed by 4 physicians and 2 nurses. National and international fellows are incorporated in the daily activities of the Unit including the interpretation of motility tests performed in both outpatients and complex hospitalized patients with severe motility disorders.GI Motility Laboratory Hospitalization Unit100030The trainee will be included in the daily activities of the Motility Unit, including the interpretation of GI Motility Tests, the care of hospitalized patients and attending medical meetings/sessions.No hands-on training possibleFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistCompleted medical specialization in Gastroenterology. Interest in functional and motility digestive disorders.English is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
CristinaCarreteroClinica Universidad de NavarraPamplonaSpainES_Clinica Universidad de Navarrawww.cun.esEndoscopyJanuary, February, March, April, May, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterologyWe offer an opportunity to train on capsule endoscopy, both small bowel, colon, and Crohn's capsule procedures. We are a training center for capsule endoscopy.University hospital, our endoscopy unit has 5 endoscopy suites, one of them for EUS, and another for capsule, manometry and pHmetry tests. Our department consists of 9 attending physicians and 4 trainees.200non specific, depends on demandThe trainee will be able to do hands-on training on capsule endoscopy (SB, Colon capsule and Crohn's capsule)Applied to patientsNeed to fill our hospital application form. More information at [email protected]FrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistNot neededNot needed.English is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
Juan EnriqueDominguez-MunozUniversity Hospital of Santiago de CompostelaSantiago de CompostelaSpainES_University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela"Endoscopy, IBD, Gastro-duodenal disorders, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disorders"January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of Gastroenterology and HepatologyOur Department has a great expertise in several areas of Gastroenterology. Our Pancreatic Unit is a national and international reference centre for the management and research in pancreatic diseases and a centre of excellence for the education in pancreatic diseases. Our Endoscopy Unit, is also a reference, both national and international, being considered a world reference educational centre, mainly for endoscopic ultrasound and ERCP (over 250 gastroenterologists, worldwide, have already make an educational stage at this Unit); at the Endoscopy Unit, more than 20,000 procedures are performed every year. We have also a recognised Unit for the management of patients with inflammatory Bowel Disease; being the director of this Unit, one of the most recognised specialists in Europe. We have also a Hepatology Unit, linked to the liver transplant Unit, born in 1994, doing a minimum of 50 liver transplants every year, with specific units for the management of C Hepatitis, hepatocarcinoma… Another growing filed is our oncological Units, both in colon cancer, but also in oesophageal, stomach cancer, with a dedicate gastroenterologist managing those cases (more than 400 every year). Finally, a specific knowledge on in patients, with a dedicated Unit, that manages more than 2,000 hospitalized patients every year. Our Department, in the setting of our institution is linked to the Spanish Health System. We have the ability to provide the whole range of education in the field of Medicine. We provide with educational programs for medical school, in fact The University of Santiago de Compostela is one of the oldest and most recognized universities in Spain. Linked to the University activities, we have the capability to advise and provide the support to access the PhD. We have also the official recognition to provide with formation for gastroenterologist, among other specialties, according to the ministry of Health and Education. Specific on Gastroenterology, and related to our department, we have a strong activity in advanced fellowship training, mainly in the field of endoscopy (mainly in endoscopic ultrasound – with an active hands on course supported by ESGE), in the field of Pancreatology, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. All these specific programs area organised with the Hospital and the Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela, and can be adapted to the needs of the attendees, from long stays, to specific Master Class programs.In terms of facilities, we have 40 beds for the management of in-patients, that can grow up to 50. In the area of Endoscopy, we have 7 rooms working daily (3 for ambulatory procedures -mainly upper GI and colonoscopy-, 1 for EUS, 1 for ERCP, 1 for screening colonoscopies, and 1 for advance endoscopy. In the ambulatory area, we have 8 room, a day-hospital -mainly for IBD and hepatology patients, with additional areas for functional studies, and for transabdominal ultrasound.150040The trainee will have the option to perform a hands-on program.Applied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsFor both EU and non-EU citizens, an official acceptance to be part of the program, with the corresponding notification to our centre. For full hands-on programs, previous approval by the Spanish Ministry of Health is needed both for EU and non-EU citizens.FrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistWe can adapt in this setting, and will have the capability to accept trainees at any moment of the trainee period.For short periods, a specific registration in not mandatory. With the acceptance of the Department, and the official notification to the centre, is enough for the practice.English is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
MarcoBustamante BalenLa Fe University HospitalValenciaSpainES_La Fe University Hospital, February, March, April, May, JuneDigestive Diseases Department. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Unit- Tertiary referral center for GI diseases (liver transplantation, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.). - Referral unit for complex GI endoscopic procedures covering biliary and pancreatic diseases, GI oncology, small bowel diseases, CRC screening, etc.. 9200 examinations/yr (Upper GI examinations 3700, lower GI examinations 4800, other techniques 700). - GI Endoscopy Research Group linked to La Fe´s Health Research Institute. - Spanish Gastrointestinal Diseases Fellowship program (Residency). - Educational programs: 1) Advanced endoscopic imaging, virtual and dye chromoendoscopy, optical diagnosis and endoscopic resection of gastrointestinal epithelial lesions (EMR, ESD, mucosectomy). 2) Colonoscopy technique, quality in colonoscopy. 3) Therapeutic ERCP and EUS- 6 full-active endoscopy rooms. 1 devoted to ERCP and radiological procedures and 1 to USE. All endoscopy rooms equiped with CO2, HD endoscopes and state-of-the-art facilities. - Capsule endoscopy and enteroscopy - 2 wards of 35 beds each (gastrointestinal diseases and hepatology)99035ObserverApplied to/with simulatorsNoNoSometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistSome experience in endoscopy, specifically in colonoscopyNo, if we stick to an observer functionEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.When a fellow is admitted for a future stay, authorization from the Spanish Foreign Affairs Office may be requested in advance. Please contact us to check the individual requirements.Yes
HansTörnblomSahlgrenska University HospitalGothenburgSwedenSE_Sahlgrenska University Hospital disorders, Gastro-duodenal disorders, Neurogastroenterology, Nutrition and small intestine,January, February, March, April, May, September, October, November, DecemberDept of Internal MedicineNeurogastroenterology & Motility; Functional Gi disorders and Undergraduate as well as postgraduate educational programmes"Large endoscopy unit, transplant centre, well equipped combined clinical and research neurgastroenterology and motility lab, in- and outpatient clinics, short bowel unit, nutrition unit, multidisciplinary obesity clinic etc."195030"Unit offering all types of gastroenterology & hepatology out- and inpatient services, including liver and small bowel transplantation, and with a specific expertise in neurogastroenterology and motility, and functional GI disorders – one of the leading institutions in the world in this area.""Participate in all activities in the neurogastroenterology and motility clinic, including assessment of manometries, pH registrations, transit measurements, assessment of visceral sensitivity, breath tests, and a specialized referral outpatient clinic for patients with functional GI disorder and severe GI motility diseases. Moreover, since research is an integrated part of this unit the trainee will have insight into ongoing clinical and translational research projects at the unit. The trainee will also be offered to participate in other activities at the gastroenterology and hepatology clinic if he/she has special requests."Applied to patients"Good possibilities – endoscopy needs close supervision by one of the local experts"For non-EU citizens a special procedure neededFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist"2 years of general gastroenterology is recommended, and basic knowledge about common neurogastroenterology and motility tests is valuable."noEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
ElenaRangelovaSahlgrenska University Hospital instead of KarolinskaGothenburgSwedenSE_Sahlgrenska University Hospital instead of Karolinska, GI OncologyMarch, April, May, June, September, October, November, DecemberSection for Upper Abdominal Surgery at Department of SurgeryNational center for surgery of locally advanced pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer surgery. IPMN surgery and surveillance Chronic pancreatitis surgical and medical treatment Esophageal and gastric cancer surgery Surgery for benign esophageal/gastric pathology Possibility to observe liver surgery (including locally advanced cholangiocarcinoma); advanced pancreatobiliary endoscopy, EUSFully equipped renovated theatres, laparoscopic equipment and robot Endoscopy unit for advanced pancreatoiliary endoscopy (EUS, pancreatoscopy) Intervention radiology Postoperative ward, intermediate care, ICU Outpatient clinics Daycare unit Research Unit160021 for upper GI cancerPerfect match for interested in pancreatic cancer surgery, special focus on locally advanced pancreatic cancer. The provided training is in accordance with the ESSO requirements for training in pancreatic cancer surgeryScrub in in surgical procedures Surgical assistance dependent on the level of training Take part in MDT meetings, ward rounds, case discussions See patients in outpatient unit with the mentor whenever language allows itApplied to patientsAll access and direct contact with patients will be only under the direct supervision of the mentor unless holding a Swedish licence to practiceVaccinations according to Swedish national immunisation plan Signed statement of confidentiality upon arrival.FrequentlyFrequentlySurgeon (with GI focus)Second part of surgical training, independence in general surgical proceduresNo (observation only).English is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
MatthiasLöhrKarolinska InstitutetStockholmSwedenSE_Karolinska Institutetwww.karolinska.seEndoscopy, IBD, Pancreatico-biliary, Gastro-duodenal disordersJune, July, AugustDept. of Gastroenterology, Div. of Upper GIGastrocentrum and Full range of lectures, grand rounds, conferences etc.all1400120dedicated center of excellence for liver and pancreatic diseasesWithout sound knowledge of the Swedish language (C2) only observership (i.e. no hands-on training)Applied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsNoFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)Resident in gastroenterology or surgery or oncologyEnglish is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
RobertoValenteUmeå University HospitalUmeåSwedenSE_Umeå University Hospital, Pancreatico-biliary, Gastro-duodenal disorders, GI OncologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of SurgeryTertiary referral center for: - advanced diagnostic and therapeutic hepato-pancreato-biliary endoscopy, including cholangio- and pancreaticoscopy - pancreatic diseases (benign, pre-neoplastic and malignant) - pancreatic surgery with advanced vascular (arterial and venous) resections -national referring center for sclerosing cholangitis Programmes for internship and residencymultidisciplinary team conferences, central operation theatre, robotic surgery, endoscopy unit, 3 wards for surgical patients, research labs. simulator for surgical and endoscopy training, robot simulator40050 beds dedicated for surgical patientsIn our center the trainee has the possibility to take part in HPB surgery with intraoperative endoscopy, including rendezvous ERCP, EUS and cholangio-pancreatoscopy. That offers the unique possibility to achieve a three dimensional understanding of the complex anatomy.take part in: - general patient rounds - multidisciplinary team conferences - endoscopy - surgeryApplied to/with simulatorsapplicants should be motivated, pro-active, and keen to take part in researchnoFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus), Radiologist with interest in GI imaging and interventions, Other (e.g. Pathologist, Paediatrician…)applicants should have started residency programnoEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
AnnalisaBerzigottiInselspital, University Hospital of BerneBerneSwitzerlandCH_Inselspital, University Hospital of BerneHepatologyMarch, June, August, September, OctoberHepatologyOur group is expert in the management of liver disease. We have a large outpatient clinic (general hepatology, cirrhosis and its complications, invasive and non-invasive assessment of liver disease, viral hepatitis, NASH, HCC, rare liver diseases, liver transplantation), and we take care of the inpatients hospitalised at our interdisciplinary ward. We are very expert in ultrasound and have a large volume of patients undergoing complex non-invasive assessment of liver disease. We hold weekly interdisciplinary meetings reviewing the histopathology and imaging findings of complex cases, and bi-weekly journal clubs/educational sessions for residents. Bi-monthly symposia held by international speakers are also part of our educational programme in English. The clinical sessions (liver transplant meeting, Tumorboard) are in German language.Outpatient clinic: ca 40 patients per day + 15-20 patients per day in the ultrasound clinic; inpatients. s. below. We perform 3-6 percutaneous biopsies per week and 2-4 HVPG measurements/transjugular liver biopsies per week. Paracenteses are done both in the outpatient and in the inpatient setting by our residents. TIPS procedure is done by the hepatology dept in collaboration with the interventional radiology and angiology dept. (25 per year). UVCM has currently 60 beds10-15 hepatology patients (this does not include other GI cases, who are taken care separately)On specific request, the fellow will be introduced to the colleagues of the radiology and surgery dept. who are leaders in the management of minimally invasive therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma (percutaneous CT guided stereotactic microwave ablation; SIRT).The trainee will be allowed to assist to all the activities ongoing in our hepatology department including outpatient and inpatient clinic, ultrasound, contrast-enhanced ultrasound, percutaneous liver biopsies, measurement of HVPG and transjugular liver biopsy, TIPS placement. In addition, he/she will be allowed to get exposure to the ongoing research projects in all the areas of hepatologyNo hands-on training possiblePermission to stay in Switzerland should follow the Swiss lawNoFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist3 yearsNoEnglish is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Knowledge of German language would be a strong benefit for the fellow, particularly during the outpatient clinicNo
Alain M.SchoepferLausanne University HospitalLausanneSwitzerlandCH_Lausanne University Hospital, IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disorders, GI Oncology, Nutrition and small intestine,February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, NovemberDivision of Gastroenterology and HepatologyAll domains of gastroenterology (particularly IBD, eosinophilic esophagitis), Hepatology, and interventional endoscopy; Regular training on the job for GI fellows, interactive case discussion every day at staff meeting, educational meetings with GI pathologist and GI radiologistEndoscopy center, outpatient clinics, functional GI unit, ultrasound unit, ward for GI and Hepatology patients156812Tertiary referral center, ranking 2022 within the 10 best hospital worldwide, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology ranked within the best 100 divisions worldwide (newsweek 2022)Patient consultation, ultrasound (including dedicated GI ultrasound)No hands-on training possibleperforming ultrasound under supervision is possibleSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)At least one year as GI fellow or surgeryEnglish is sufficient, but knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Yes
RaduTutuianBürgerspital SolothurnSolothurnSwitzerlandCH_Bürgerspital Solothurn, Hepatology, Functional disordersJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, NovemberKlinik für Gastroenterologie und HepatologieFunctional GI testing, Hepatology, Endoscopy (Upper GI and Lower GI Endoscopy including advanced endoscopic interventions - EMR, ESD, FTDR), Endosonography (incl. FNA/FNB and drainage procedures) and ERCP (incl. Cholangioscopy). The clinic for gastroenterology and hepatology at the Bürgerspital Solothurn is accredited by the Swiss Medical Association (FMH) as a B-clinic (2 years) for specialising in gastroenterology6 board-certified gastroenterologist and 1-2 fellows in gastroenterology / hepatology 5 Endoscopy suites with state-of-the-art equipment incl. EUS-processors and C-arms 3 US machines. HRM and Impedance-pH Monitoring equipment Conference room with video-conferencing equipment350variable (on medical and surgical wards)The clinic for gastroenterology and hepatology is part of the department of internal medicine and focuses on out-patient procedures and consultations (approx. 70% of the clinical activity). In-patient activities (approx. 30% of clinical activities) are focused on consultation and procedures on patients hospitalised on medical and surgical wards. We work closely together with visceral surgery (daily reports and weekly conferences) and well the other medical with any of our trainees, visiting trainees will join one of our staff physicians and accompany them during procedures and consultationsApplied to patientsHands-on training are permitted for physicians registered with the Swiss Health Authority (BAG - MedRegister)Visiting physicians from the EU have to register with the Swiss authorities. Details can be found under Non-EU visiting physicians are required to apply for a "business visa" for Switzerland.FrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist2-3 yearsnot necessarily for visiting physicians / observer-ship For practice, registration with the Swiss Health Authority (BAG - MedReg) is mandatory is sufficient, but to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way, knowledge of the local language would be ideal.Before starting UEG clinical visiting fellowship physicians from the EU need to ask the empolyer in their home-country to complete a "notification for short-term work in Switzerland". The online notification procedure is free of charge and can be found under For additional training beyond an observership / visiting physician, candidates must apply for a recognition of their diploma / speciality with the Swiss Health Authority. Information can be found under
FilizAkyüzIstanbul University Istanbul Faculty of MedicineIstanbulTurkeyTR_Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disordersJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterohepatologyAll aspects of gastroenteology, hepatology, endoscopy and interventional endoscopy, manometry, impedance, double baloon enteroscopy, EUS, ESD, EMR Training for GI fellows, Journal club, Educational meetings with GI surgeon, GI pathologist and GI radiologist.Endoscopy, manometry, impedance, double baloon enteroscopy, EUS, ESD, EMR60024The trainee is allowed to participate the following procedures as an observer: endoscopy, manometry, impedance, double baloon enteroscopy, EUS, ESD, EMRNo hands-on training possibleThe trainee is allowed to participate the following clinics as an observer with his/her mentor: Liver transplant center outpatient clinic, Wilson disease outpatient clinic, clinical roundsFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistEnglish is sufficient.Yes
Haluk TarikKaniMarmara University School of MedicineIstanbulTurkeyTR_Marmara University School of Medicine, IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliaryJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of GastroenterologyThe department continuously involving in multicenter clinical studies. On wednesday mornings, we make journal club and multidisciplinary meetings (pathology, rheumatology, gastrointestinal surgery, hepatocellular carcinoma) with a full participation.The department has an endoscopy unit including ERCP, EUS, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures. Also, has 4 outpatient clinics and an inpatient clinic. The department has specific IBD and hepatology outpatient clinic on certain days.60012Allowed to observe outpatient and inpatient follow up. Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures, also EUS and ERCP.No hands-on training possibleFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistEnglish is sufficient.Yes
AnastasiiaSochnievaEducational and Scientific Medical Institute of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Politechnical Institute “KharkivUkraineUA_Educational and Scientific Medical Institute of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Politechnical Institute “Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, GI OncologyJune, July, AugustSurgery Department 1Generall, Abdominal, Hepatobiliary and Thoraxic Surgery also miniinvasiveZaycev Institute of General and Urgent Surgery NASM of Ukraine Kharkiv, Ukraine30090Applied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsSurgeon (with GI focus)English is sufficient.Yes
NurulaminNoorCambridge University HospitalsCambridgeUnited KingdomUK_Cambridge University HospitalsIBDJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberDepartment of GastroenterologyWorld leading expertise in all aspects of IBD - including basic science, translational, and clinical workLarge tertiary referral hospital State of the art endoscopy facilities Clinical trial facilities - for both academic and commercial research Academic laboratories116530IBD focused fellowshipAttending and observing IBD clinics, IBD multidisciplinary team meetings, IBD-focused endoscopy lists, IBD clinical research meetings, IBD focused laboratory experience. Weekly departmental teaching seminar and weekly departmental journal club. Each trainee will be allocated a mentor and IBD related project which could be started during the fellowship and then subsequently completed/written up for publication.No hands-on training possible gastroenterologist / hepatologistGastroenterologist either in training or have completed training and seeking to obtain experience of IBD at a tertiary, academic centreThis will be a Clinical Observership only. GMC registration is not required for Clinical Observerships.English is sufficient.Yes
Massimilianodi PietroUniversity of CambridgeCambridgeUnited KingdomUK_University of Cambridge;, Gastro-duodenal disorders, GI OncologyJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, DecemberEarly Cancer UnitOesophageal and gastric Cancer, Barrett’s oesophagus, hereditary diffuse gastric cancer; Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy procedures. MDT meetings, journal clubs, formal and informal seminars, research meetings.Endoscopy, research endoscopy, research laboratory, clinical ward80040The Early Cancer Institute is a research facility linked to Cambridge University Hospital. We are specialised in Cancer Research and as group we have a specific focus as research group on oesophageal and gastric pre-malignant and malignant conditions. Candidate will be able to be involved in small research project and well as shadow in a range a clinical setting depending on personal preference and clinical interest.Observation of endoscopy procedure, attendance of ward and MDT meetings, attendance of research and educational meetings", involvement in small research projectsNo hands-on training possibleWe do not recommend hands-on Ttraining, given the limited time and the complexity of the registration process. Occasionally we arrange for training on animal models, but this will need to be negotiated ahead of timeDBS, Honorary ContractFrequentlySometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistMedically qualified and at any stage of gastroenterology trainingNot required for visiting fellowship without hands on activityEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.No
Muhammad ImranAslamUniversity Hospitals of Coventry and WarwickshireCoventryUnited KingdomUK_University Hospitals of Coventry and WarwickshireEndoscopy, IBD, Pancreatico-biliary, GI Oncology, Nutrition and small intestine,January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberGI surgery, Gastrointestinal disordersWeekly Colorectal Cancer MDT Weekly Grand Round Weekly Journal Club Access to clinical skills lab and cadaveric training (within the strains of Covid pandemic) We are major trauma centre, second largest clinical trial unit in UK, we offer minimally invasive surgery for GI disorders with access to laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery. Our department of gastroenterology is offering secondary care for IBD, intestinal failure and functional disorders. We have access to diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy.See above1250120.Training skill lab Simulated lab Cadaveric lab Ward rounds Grand rounds Assist clinical staff Attend outpatient clinics, endoscooy, theatre and emergency units. GI physiology lab GI research meetings Cancer MDT IBD MDTApplied to patients, Applied to/with simulators.For 2 weeks observership - No For longer placements and for hand on training - will be GMC registrationSometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus)N/aOnly if needs hand on training and patient management decision making.English is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Enthusiastic clinician who is willing to share experiences.Yes
ShajiSebastianHull University Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustHullUnited KingdomUK_Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustIBDMay, June, SeptemberIBD UnitComplex IBD IBD researchDedicated IBD clinic Dedicated Immunomodulatory Infusion Centre Research active unit Multi disciplinary team MDT130035Observe Contribution to research If employed as a fellow all activitiesNo hands-on training possibleHands on training if they are selected to 1 year fellowship programmesGMC registration ideallyNoFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistIf hands on needed to register with GMCEnglish is sufficient.Yes
ChristianSelingerLeeds Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustLeedsUnited KingdomUK_Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trustwww.leedsth.nhs.ukEndoscopy, IBD, Pancreatico-biliary, Nutrition and small intestine,June, July, August, SeptemberGastroenterologyIBD advanced endoscopic therapy nutrition and intestinal failure pancreatobiliary medicine and endoscopyEMR, ESD, POEM, ERCP, EUS IBD unit with 2 weekly clinics, MDT, combined surgical, obstetric and rheumatology clinics dedicated IF centre with MDT, clinics and specialist team200050observation only, being involved in MDTs, clinics, ward rounds, observing endoscopyNo hands-on training possibleMy hospital charges a £3000 administrative fee for any young fellow visiting. In addition a police record is required.FrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistwould be ideal to have 2 years of gastro specialist training as minimumnot for observationEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes
OmarElshaarawyRoyal Liverpool University HospitalLiverpoolUnited KingdomUK_Royal Liverpool University Hospital, IBD, Hepatology, GI OncologyApril, May, June, September, October, NovemberGastroenterologyWe are a tertiary referral centre for all Gastroenterology and Hepatology complex cases in the North West of England. We lead on endoscopy training with brand new hospital opened in October 2022. We host the North West Endoscopy Academy and Mersey School of Endoscopy who provides exceptional endoscopy courses and training. We have complex liver and luminal clinics as well as we run accredited training program for NHS England for Gastroenterology and Hepatology including all sub specialties in Gastroenterology and Hepatology.* 7 Endoscopy Rooms in one site and 4 in the other site for all basic and advanced endoscopy procedures EUS, ERCP, ESD etc * 2 Wards of 56 beds * 20 Consultants and Specialists * Daily Complex Liver and Luminal Clinics * Daily dedicated MDTs for complex cases ( Pancreatic MDT, Portal Hypertension MDT, Liver Cancer MDT, IBD MDT, Nutrition MDT, Feeding issues MDT, Transplant MDT)5656We are diverse inclusive unit and very supportive for trainingObserve all Endoscopic procedures and can have hands on if GMC registration is available. Simulated Endoscopy Hands on Training Can get involved in research activities. Can attend clinics and MDTs as well as attend ward rounds daily.Applied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsUK visa might be required if outside EU Visa supporting letter will be providedFrequentlyFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistFirst year of trainingIf would like hands on patient endoscopy training, GMC would be requiredEnglish is sufficient.Yes
PrarthanaThiagarajanNottingham University Hospitals NHS TrustNottinghamUnited KingdomUK_Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, IBD, Hepatology, Pancreatico-biliary, Nutrition and small intestine,January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberGastroenterology and HepatologyWe are a large department within a University Teaching Hospital, offering exposure to a diverse range of skills and expertise within Hepatology and luminal gastroenterology. We have 10 Hepatologists staffing a dedicated liver unit (with specialist liver clinics, formal transplant links with Cambridge, varices endoscopy lists and inpatient hepatology workload), advanced HPB endoscopy (including therapeutic EUS and ERCP), Endohepatology (EUS-guided liver biopsy and portal pressure assessment). We have 20 luminal gastroeneterologists, with dedicated IBD clinics/endoscopy lists, upper GI therapeutic endoscopy lists and functional GI clinics. We also host the regional intestinal failure unit and have a complex nutrition MDT service (and dedicated nutrition ward).We hope your time with our department will be enriching, affording you an insight into any aspect of gastroenterology/hepatology you wish to focus on. Should you wish to gain a breadth of experience, we are fortunate to have a diverse team with a range of specialist interests to support you. Opportunities include: 1/ Attendance at specialist liver clinics -transplant clinic, HCC clinic, NAFLD clinic, plus general hepatology clinics. 2/ Attendance on the inpatient Hepatology ward rounds (very busy) and Daycase Paracentesis Unit. 3/ Attendance at liver endoscopy lists, including UGI varices lists, EUS and ERCP. 4/ Attendance at IBD specialist clinics and IBD endoscopy lists 5/ Complex polypectomy, EMR and ESD lists 6/ Upper GI therapeutic endoscopy - bleeds, stenting, Barrett's RFA etc. 7/ Acute gastroenterology on-call - you can join the on-call team, which has a busy workload with a daily bleed list. 8/ Complex nutrition - inpatient rounds, MDT, PEG lists.6060We hope you enjoy your time with us :) We are a friendly unit with a large skillset and we are confident that you will find something within GI and Hepatology to interest you during your visit. You will be allocated a mentor for your time with us.Clinics, ward rounds. We would need to see endoscopy accreditation prior to considering hands-on endoscopy exposure with patients, but this is something we can work through nearer the time.Applied to patients, Applied to/with simulatorsNoneIt would be helpful to have certificates of previous training (i.e. original medical degree certificate/any postgraduate qualifications, endoscopy certification etc).SometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologistWe would ideally look to host someone who has finished their training in internal medicine and is embarking on specialist training within Hepatology or GastroenterologyI don't know.English is sufficient.Yes
NeerajBhalaUniversity of NottinghamNottinghamUnited KingdomUK_University of Nottingham, IBD, Hepatology, Functional disorders, Gastro-duodenal disorders, NeurogastroenterologyJanuary, March, May, June, September, October, NovemberNottingham Digestive Diseases Centre, School of MedicineThe Nottingham Digestive Diseases Centre (NDDC) has a strong track record in basic science, experimental medicine and translational research. It comprises over 100 academics and NHS associates including consultant gastroenterologists, hepatologists, GI pathologists, radiologists and surgeons. We conduct research to make novel observations regarding mechanisms underlying digestive health and diseases. Our experimental medicine programme encompasses basic and translational research from discovery to clinical application and dissemination. We collaborate with patients, clinicians, basic scientists and industry partners to develop innovative tests, devices and interventions. Our goal is to improve digestive health and treat digestive diseases.We identify and target disrupted cross-organ pathways effectively with innovative, food-, repurposed drug-based and technological solutions to reduce the burden of multi-morbidity and consequent ill-health. We believe a multidisciplinary team science approach is essential to identify shared disease mechanisms and modifiable drivers of multi-morbidity in gastro-intestinal and liver disorders, and patient and community involvement are integral to our work. Our leading experimental medicine and early translations studies involve GI physiology, liver metabolism, molecular microbiology, gut microbial interactions, the genomics of complex and monogenic diseases. In collaboration with the pioneering Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre we will investigate multi-organ interactions across the life span. We aim to develop innovative solutions to tackle the escalating problem of chronic disease clusters by harnessing expertise in food sciences, bioengineering and our extensive collaboration with industry. We have five research areas: Inter-organ pathways Multi-organ disorders Future food Next generation therapeutics Innovative technologies in translation130050 and research experience in broad range of GI/liver disorders and procedures incl. leading edge science and NHS general GI/liver and specialist care.Applied to/with simulatorsAs per national regulations on observership and would need GMC registration for hands-on clinical practice - many GI/liver clinical research interfaces to discover in the department.SometimesFrequentlyMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Other (e.g. Pathologist, Paediatrician…)Likely to benefit most from some GI/liver specialisationWould need to be registered for hands-on practice, for a short visiting fellowship with observership wouldn't require registration.English is sufficient.In collaboration with Profs Guru Aithal (HoD), Maura Cossetti, Luca Marciani and Tanya Monaghan at NDDCYes
PradeepBhandariPortsmouth University HospitalPortsmouthUnited KingdomUK_Portsmouth University Hospitalwww.porthosp.nhs.ukEndoscopyMarch, April, May, June, September, October, NovemberDept. of GastroenterologyAdvanced Endoscopic detection, Advanced endoscopic resection (EMR, ESD, FTRD), Third space Endoscopy (POEM, G-POEM, Z-POEM), Endoscopic ablation (RFA, APC). Endoscopic suturing.5 Endoscopy suites150050National & International referral centre for advanced endoscopic interventionsdepends on experience and medical licenseNo hands-on training possibleIf trainees have appropriate license then they can get hands on experience otherwise it will be an observershipnoneFrequentlySometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist3 years of Endoscopy experiencenot as an ObserverEnglish is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.noneYes
Nader KFrancisYeovil District Hospital and Griffin Institute at University College LondonYeovilUnited KingdomUK_Yeovil District Hospital and Griffin Institute at University College London and OncologyMarchSurgery and EducationMinimally Invasive Surgery - both endoscopy and Laparoscopy I am also the Director of Training at London Robotic Training Centre (Griffin Institute)Clinical Inpatient and outpatient general surgical workload with fully implemented Enhanced Recovery Programme and established centre of excellence in Laparoscopic Surgery for lower GI benign and Malignant conditions. Educational Griffin Institute is a training and preclinical research centre in London which is well equipped with tissue engineering research facilities as well as endoscopy, laparoscopy and robotic training facilities (both preclinical) and Human Cadaver models I am happy for the student(s) to share the time between Yeovil and London to benefit from the clinical practice as well as the exposure to latest technology in GI education including Flexible Endoscopy, robotic and laparoscopic surgery.34560+Happy to host the student one week at Yeovil Hospital (Clinical Site) and one week at our Griffin Institute (MIS training centre in London for one week.Observe surgery as well as observe/ get involved in the relevant training events at the Griffin InstituteApplied to/with simulators, Applied to animalsVisa to visit the UK from non-EUSometimesSometimesMedical gastroenterologist / hepatologist, Surgeon (with GI focus), Radiologist with interest in GI imaging and interventionsIt can be any level from a student to a resident or even clinician if they wish to come and observe laparoscopic or robotic surgery and training.It will help for the clinical site but not mandatory - Not required at the Training centre (Griffin Institute)English is sufficient to benefit from the fellowship in the best possible way.Yes

Fellows 2025

Ahmed M. Gaheen from Egypt visits Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine in Istanbul, Turkey 

Ahmed Tawheed Mowafy from Egypt visits Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust in Nottingham, United Kingdom 

André Trigo from Portugal visits Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet HF in Oslo, Norway 

Anna Calm Salvans from Spain visits KU Leuven in Leuven, Belgium 

Danute Razuka-Ebela from Latvia visits University of Cambridge in Cambridge, United Kingdom 

Deart Parashtica from Kosovo visits Hospital Santa Maria,  Medical School of Lisbon in Lisbon, Portugal 

Denis Kazeka from Czech Republic visits Tel-Aviv University Schneider Childrens Hospital Gastroenterology and Nutrition in  Petach-Tikva, Israel 

Dimitra Kozompoli from Greece visits Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in Hull, United Kingdom 

Domagoj Micetic from Croatia visits Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "A. Gemelli" IRCCS,  Catholic University of Rome in Rome, Italy 

Duarte Gil Alves from Portugal visits Clinical Emergency Hospital Bucharest in Bucharest, Romania 

Ejona Kacurri from Albania visits Uniklinik Augsburg in Augsburg, Germany 

Giacomo E. M. Rizzo from Italy visits University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela in Santiago de Compostela, Spain 

Grigorios Petrousis from Sweden visits Amsterdam University Medical Center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands 

Gülden Bilican from Turkey visits Cambridge University Hospitals in Cambridge, United Kingdom 

Ismar Hasukic from Bosnia and Herzegovina visits Clinical Emergency Hospital Bucharest in Bucharest, Romania 

Kasper Overbeek from Netherlands visits University Hospital LMU Munich in Munich, Germany 

Kuna Rueb from Netherlands visits Hospital Clínic of Barcelona in Barcelona, Spain 

Luís Relvas from Portugal visits Hospital Clínic of Barcelona in Barcelona, Spain 

Mara Ioana Ionescu from Romania visits Bürgerspital Solothurn in Solothurn, Switzerland 

María Ortiz de Solórzano from Spain visits Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm?, Sweden 

Maria Inês Viegas from Portugal visits Erasmus Mc in Rotterdam, the Netherlands 

Mario Romeo from Italy visits University Hospital Center Zagreb in Zagreb, Croatia 

Matei Mandea from Romania visits Umeå University Hospital in Umeå, Sweden 

Nicoleta Podina from Romania visits University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela in Santiago de Compostela, Spain 

Robert Untea from Romania visits Gastroenterology/Multivisceral Transplant Unit, Padua University Hospital in Padua, Italy 

Matteo Rossano Buonocore from Italy visits Georges-Pompidou European Hospital in Paris, France 

Sara Nikolić from Slovenia visits Hospital General Universitario Dr. Balmis in Alicante, Spain 

Sara Ramos Lopes from Portugal visits Sahlgrenska University Hospital_Törnblom in  Gothenburg, Sweden 

Valeriya Kotsiubenko from Ukraine visits Yeovil District Hospital and Griffin Institute at University College London in  Yeovil, United Kingdom 

Viktoriia Marko from Ukraine visits Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre in Hvidovre, Denmark 

Governance & Community Management
Kelly Brazdzionis