Healthcare systems are under increasing pressure from rising numbers of obese children and adults. For the foreseeable future these rates are only set to rise, leading to one of the most significant public health challenges we face today. Obesity, often driven by poor nutritional choices, increases the risk of a range of serious health conditions, including digestive cancers and liver disease. Healthy balanced diets and lifestyles can help prevent chronic digestive diseases.
We addressed this public health challenge in a position paper on obesity and digestive health.
Useful resources
Related Organisations
- New “Fatty” liver disease nomenclature: A multi-society Delphi consensus statement on new fatty liver disease nomenclature (2023)
- Zagreb Declaration: political roadmap for reversing the rapid rise of childhood obesity (2023)
- Childhood obesity: five facts about the WHO European Region
- WHO Europe: Obesity in the WHO European region factsheet (2022)
- WHO European Region Obesity Report (2022)
- WHO Europe: Better food and nutrition in Europe
- ESPEN Factsheets
- European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) Guidelines (2022)
European organisations
- The World Obesity Federation (EU)
- ESPEN - European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (EU)
National organisations
- Austrian Obesity Association (Austria)
- Belgium Association for the Study of Obesity (Belgium)
- Bulgarian Association for Study of Obesity and Related Diseases (Bulgaria)
- Dansk Selskab for Adipositasforskning (DSAF) (Denmark)
- Finnish Association for the Study of Obesity (Finland)
- Association Francaise d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'obesite (France)
- Deutsche Adipositas Gesellschaft, German Association for the Study of Obesity (Germany)
- Hellenic Medical Association for Obesity (Greece)
- Hungarian Society for the Study of Obesity (Hungary)
- The Association for the Study of Obesity in Ireland (Ireland)
- Societa Italiana dell' Obesita (Italy)
- Netherlands Association for the Study of Obesity (Netherlands)
- Norwegian Association for the Study of Obesity (Norway)
- Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo da Obesidade (Portugal)
- The British Nutrition Foundation (UK)
- The Association for the Study of Obesity (UK)