UEG is committed to raising political and public awareness of digestive diseases throughout the continent, informing policy makers, and encouraging research. To continue raising public and political awareness on digestive health and to support the implementation of ambitious prevention, screening and treatment strategies at the European and national level. UEG published the White Book 2, analysing the burden and economic impact of digestive diseases and investigating research gaps and priorities in the field of digestive health.
We advocate for research in digestive cancer within the Mission on Cancer and EU's Cancer Plan, presenting the issues related to pancreatic cancer research to the partners of the Innovative Health Initiative, and informing about research needs within the Health Cluster of Horizon Europe. Despite their substantial prevalence and global impact, many digestive diseases are still poorly understood and attract relatively little attention from either a policy or funding perspective. Accurate and up-to-date information is needed on the true burden of digestive diseases and the current organisation and delivery of care.
White Book 2: Revealing major health & economic impact of digestive diseases across Europe
Part 1: The burden & economic impact of digestive diseases
This report provides an international comparative analysis of the public health burden of digestive diseases and cancers, and an assessment of the economic impact of digestive diseases.
Part 2: Research gaps & priorities
This report provides an exploratory overview of research priorities, activity and funding in the field of digestive health in Europe.
Key findings on digestive diseases and cancers in Europe
After the publication of the UEG White Book 2, it is now time to pave the way for more effective prevention strategies, improved outcomes for patients and increased funding into digestive health research on EU level. We have now launched a new publication highlighting the key findings on digestive diseases.
Executive Summary in UEG Journal
This article in UEG Journal highlights the main outcomes of the White Book 2, especially worrying increases in the prevalence of several digestive diseases since 2000 and priority areas where research and investment are required.