Abstract Submission

Step onto our global stage and let your science speak for itself

Submit your abstract for UEG Week 2025 by April 25:

Submit your abstract


UEG Week is the platform for you to share your science with the worldwide GI community

UEG prides itself on being a multidisciplinary, multinational organisation that brings great gastroenterology together. Your abstracts are what help us continue to achieve this goal.

As one of the largest GI congresses in Europe, submission to UEG Week is a guaranteed way to increase the degree to which your science is seen. 

New for 2025: Submit abstracts, video cases, clinical cases, DDM Summit abstracts and abstracts for the ESGENA Nurse programme all in one system!

New for 2025

Abstract submission for Digestive Disease Mechanism (DDM) Summit

For the first time in 2025, we've curated the Digestive Disease Mechanism (DDM) Summit, an exceptional 3-day programme (taking place during UEG Week, Oct 5-7, 2025) focusing on Pathogenesis of GI tract diseases (cancer-related). Led by the top experts in the field, Mathias Heikenwälder, Paco Real and Maria Sibilia, it will be a dedicated space for basic researchers to present their latest findings. To be a part of this unparalleled event, we encourage all basic scientists to submit their abstracts for the DDM Summit. 

Read call & guidelines Learn more about DDM Summit

Abstract submission for ESGENA Nurse Programme

ESGENA invites colleagues from Europe and all over the world to submit their abstract for the ESGENA Nurse Programme at UEG Week 2025.

Read call & guidelines

Benefits of submitting

Having your abstract selected means vital recognition and long-term visibility. Once selected, your scientific work –

  • Has the opportunity to reach a massive international audience.
  • Is published in our highly renowned UEG Journal.
  • Is included in our new interactive online library, Gutflix.
  • Provides the opportunity for you to engage in scientific exchange and gain insightful feedback.
  • May qualify for the National Scholar AwardTravel grants or the Top Abstract Prize

Abstract submission is completely free, you only need to register for the congress after your abstract is accepted.

Important dates & deadlines

Abstract, clinical & video case submission
February 24 – April 25, 2025, 23:59 CEST

Abstract acceptance/rejection notification
July, 2025

Late breaking abstract submission
July 28 – August 25, 2025, 10:00 AM CEST

Abstract presenter registration deadline for UEG Week 2025
Mid September, 2025

Late breaking abstract acceptance/rejection notification
Mid September, 2025

Deadline for late breaking abstract withdrawal/changes
End of September, 2025

UEG Week 2025
October 4 – 7, 2025

Calls & guidelines

  • Abstracts (incl. DDM Summit)
  • Clinical cases
  • Video cases
  • ESGENA Nurse Programme
Abstracts (incl. DDM Summit)

Want to take your science to the next level by gaining international exposure? You’re in the right place. 

Abstract submissions for UEG Week have been strong in recent years in both number and quality, and UEG Week has become a premier international meeting, offering a platform to present clinical and basic gastrointestinal and liver research.

New for 2025: The DDM Summit features lectures, workshops, poster presentations, and interactive discussion groups, led by top experts in the field. Don't miss your chance to participate in this exciting and transformative event by submitting your abstract! Simply choose the submission type "abstract" and make sure to tick the DDM Summit check box before you submit.

We look forward to your abstract submission for UEG Week 2025.

Please read carefully through the call and submission guidelines and prepare your abstract accordingly. 

Call for abstracts Call for DDM Summit Guidelines Topic list Embargo FAQs

Clinical cases

Your success is our success and we’re eager to help elevate your research to new heights. We appreciate your interest in submitting a clinical case for UEG Week 2025!

UEG Week will provide the perfect forum for the discussion of difficult clinical problems. The accepted clinical cases will be showcased as E-Posters.

Please read carefully through the call and submission guidelines and prepare your clinical case accordingly.

Call Guidelines Topic list

Video cases

Have great science to offer? That’s perfect – we have an esteemed platform upon which you can share it globally!

A dedicated video case session at UEG Week is the perfect platform to showcase the newest endoscopic procedures and interesting case findings. The chairmen are prominent leaders in the field and will ensure that the session is interactive and filled with dynamic discussions.

Please read carefully through the call and submission guidelines and prepare your video file accordingly.

Call Guidelines Topic list

ESGENA Nurse Programme

Submitting to the ESGENA Nurse Programme is a valuable opportunity to share your work with a global audience!

Gastroenterology and Endoscopy nurses and associates bring invaluable expertise to gastrointestinal medicine, making their contributions vital at medical conferences. Submitting an abstract to UEG Week allows for sharing innovative practices, improving patient outcomes, and highlighting the essential role of nursing in multidisciplinary care. 

Submit your abstract comfortably via the UEG Week abstract submission. Just make sure to choose the ESGENA Nurse Programme abstract submission type. 

Please read carefully through the call and submission guidelines and prepare your abstract accordingly.

Abstract topics:
i.          Patient Care 
ii.         Management & Education 
iii.        Techniques & Assistance 
iv.         Hygiene

Call Guidelines Embargo FAQs

Congress Programme Management
Jenna Langthaler