Clinical Visiting Fellowship - Centres Registration

Host a young digestive healthcare specialist

UEG invites European centres to become part of the Clinical Visiting Fellowship and to host a young digestive healthcare specialist for two weeks in 2026.

What does UEG offer?

  • UEG awards up to 30 visiting fellowships for young clinicians,
  • facilitates the application and selection process of interested fellows,
  • establishes contact between interested fellows and respective centres,
  • provides a grant € 1,250 per fellow to contribute to travel and accommodation costs and
  • promotes the initiative on the UEG website, in social media and other publications

Register to become a host centre by March 6, 2025. 

Register now

Visiting Clinical Fellowship Centres Registration main image

Is my centre a suitable host centre?

1) Your centre is recognised for its speciality in one of the following areas:

  • Endoscopy
  • IBD
  • Gastro-duodenal disorders
  • Hepatology
  • GI oncology
  • Pancreatico-biliary
  • Nutrition and small intestine
  • Functional disorders
  • Paediatrics

2) Your centre will appoint a mentor who is

  • willing to create an environment to train fellows with a primary focus on the respective speciality
  • prepared to actively involve the fellow in the centre’s day-to-day work
  • willing to provide organisational assistance to the fellow (e.g. support in finding accommodation) 

How will my centre benefit?

Participating centres will

  • build experience in international training
  • create opportunities for future collaboration
  • tap into a resource of young talented physicians and researchers
  • gain visibility via the programme page on the UEG website and throughout other UEG communications and publications
  • receive pan-European endorsement in their field of expertise

Governance & Community Management
Kelly Brazdzionis