National Societies Committee

What we do

We maximise communication between UEG and the National Member Societies and strengthen their voice by cross-representing them in other UEG committees and groups. 

Our objectives include improving healthcare for GI patients, advocating for more widespread screening for GI diseases, and addressing work force inequalities. Related to these objectives, we promote closer ties with and between all UEG’s National Member Societies and support them in their scientific and professional activities. 

National Societies Committee Chair
Martina Müller-Schilling
  • University Hospital
  • Regensburg

Members of the National Societies Committee

Marjolijn Duijvestein, The Netherlands 
Manik Gemilyan, Armenia
Alexander Hann, Germany 
Iago Rodríguez-Lago, Spain 
Reena Sidhu, UK 
Paula Sousa, Portugal (YTG Representative) 
Petr Vanek, Czech Republic

Governance & Community Management
Andrea Nowak

Volunteer for UEG!

Take the next step in your career and join our activities by serving on one of our boards & committees as volunteer! 
