We are responsible for raising awareness of digestive health among specialists and decision-makers at the European level.
We are in regular contact with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), Representatives of the European Commission and Council, as well as other EU stakeholders, to promote digestive health on the EU agenda.

- University of Padua
- Padua
Public Affairs Group Members
Michael Bretthauer, Norway (ESGE)
Maria Buti Ferret, Spain (Independent)
Jorge Amil Dias, Portugal (ESPGHAN)
Coskun Ozer Demirtas, Turkey (YTG Representative)
Ana Dugic, Germany (Independent)
Pierluigi Fracasso, Italy (ESPCG)
Alexander Hann, Germany (NSC Representative)
Daniel Hartmann, Germany (EAES, EFISDS, EDS, ESCP)
Andrea Laghi, Italy (ESGAR)
Tamara Matysiak-Budnik, France (Independent)
Patrick Michl, Germany (EPC)
Maria Pellisé Urquiza, Spain (Independent)
Luigi Ricciardiello, Italy (Independent)
Thomas Seufferlein, Germany (ESDO)
Joana Torres, Portugal (ECCO)
Hans Törnblom, Sweden (ESNM)
Shira Zelber-Sagi, Israel (EASL)