As an editor I’m clearly a big fan of words, but I’m also a big fan of images and the way they can add value and visual interest. As part of our work, the UEG E-learning Team is always thinking about how best to illustrate our content, be it on online courses (and their summary infographics), “Mistakes in…” articles or our latest news blogs. Although we necessarily do use third-party figures or photos, as often as possible we work with our art editor and authors to develop original images, such as the few shared here in this blog.
With the number of redrawn figures steadily rising, we decided to collect them together and make them available as a new resource - the UEG Image Hub - which can be freely accessed via the UEG Library. The images themselves can also be freely downloaded and used without needing to obtain permission. Should you wish to reuse any of the images, all we ask is that you give the appropriate credit (including the artist’s name) and cite the image source - information on how to do this is provided with the image files. If you modify any of the images, we ask that you give credit, cite the image source and state clearly that the image has been modified.
To browse all images in the UEG Image Hub, simply visit the UEG Library and select “Image Hub” as the “Format” filter in the right-hand navigation bar. Further filtering of the images can be done by “Category”.
We do hope you find this new resource to be of value and will make use of the images provided. New images will be added as they become available, so be sure to keep visiting the UEG Image Hub in the future!
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About Natalie Wood
About Natalie Wood
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