A multidisciplinary online and face-to-face learning experience
The Masterclass will impart profound knowledge on diagnostic and therapeutic management of patients with disorders of oesophagogastric motility and function according to up–to–date, multidisciplinary standards.
This intensive training programme is highly interactive for faculty and participants, maximising learning outcomes and expanding participants’ knowledge using the latest training standards. With our perfect blend of online and on-site (face-to-face) education, clinicians currently specialising in the field will be given an ultra-modern learning, networking and developing experience featuring top faculty in the field of Oesophagogastric Motility and Function.
Application is closed.

- Relevant physiological and pathophysiological background
- Approach to the patient with oesophagogastric dysfunction
- Oesophageal function testing including established and new techniques (e.g. high resolution manometry, reflux measurements, impedance planimetry)
- Tests of gastroduodenal function (gastric emptying, contractility, sensitivity)
- Multidisciplinary therapy of disorders of oesophagogastric motility and function (drug therapy, physiotherapy, dietary interventions, endoscopic therapy, surgical therapy)
- Clinicians (trainee neuro-gastroenterologists, endoscopists, surgeons, radiologists) experienced in diagnosing and treating patients with oesophagogastric dysfunction (e.g., reflux disease, achalasia, gastroparesis, functional dyspepsia).
- Individuals with a specific interest in oesophagogastric motility and function upon completion of their training/fellowship in gastroenterology and hepatology (e.g., nutritional specialists).
- High motivation for interactive online and on-site learning.
The UEG Masterclass on Oesophagogastric Motility and Function (Face-to-Face Course & 5 webinars) has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 18.5 European CME credits.
Jutta Keller, Germany
Amir Mari, Israel
Asbjørn Drewes, Denmark
Mark Fox, Switzerland
Ines Gockel, Germany
Carolina Malagelada, Spain
Jan Martinek, Czech Republic
Anne Christine Meyer-Gerspach, Switzerland
Rami Sweiss, United Kingdom
Tim Vanuytsel, Belgium
Lucie Zdrhova, Czech Republic
Hear more about this Masterclass from Course Director Jutta Keller.
The UEG Masterclass comprises an innovative educational format combining online learning activities with the best features of classroom interaction and live instruction.
The online phase will be spread out over the months of October and November 2024. This personalised online learning experience will feature a varied mix of live and self-paced materials, including:
- Assigned reading of clinical practice guidelines
- Live interactive webinars:
- Physiology and pathophysiology of oesophagogastric functions
- Diagnostic procedures oesophagus
- Diagnostic procedures stomach
- Therapeutic principles oesophagus
- Therapeutic principles stomach
The online phase is carefully aligned with the topics and cases being covered on-site to provide an integrated learning experience. Participants will solve interactive-quizzes and exchange with their faculty.
The culmination of this blended learning experience will be a two-day face-to-face event in Vienna, Austria, featuring:
- Multidisciplinary case-based learning
- World-class faculty
- A mix of teaching formats, e.g., case studies, discussion, group work, quizzes, etc.
- Opportunities for networking with a multidisciplinary peer group and faculty
The event will start at 09:30 a.m. on November 29 and end at 03:30 p.m. on November 30. The two days will be structured into sections covering the following topics:
- Presentation of important techniques
- Multidisciplinary management of the patient with:
- Non-cardia chest pain (NCCP)
- Non-obstructive dysphagia (NOD)
- Refractory reflux
- Atypical reflux symptoms
- Nausea and vomiting
- Epigastric pain
- Postprandial fullness/bloating
Participants will work in multidisciplinary teams to solve cases prepared by faculty members in each topic session. Solutions will be presented and discussed with all participants and all members of the multidisciplinary faculty.
Participation in the Masterclass on Oesophagogastric Motility and Function is by selection only. A maximum of 50 participants will be invited. The following criteria will be considered:
- myUEG Associate: To be eligible for application to the Masterclass, participants need to be registered as myUEG Associates.
- You are a clinician in specialised training with specific interest in oesophagogastric motility and function (gastroenterologists, endoscopists, surgeons, radiologists, nutrionist, physiologist)
- One-page CV (max.)
- List of (max) top 5 publications
- Letter of motivation (max. 250 words) answering the following 2 questions:
- What benefit do you expect to gain from this programme?
- Why should UEG select you for this programme?
- Each individual may participate in this Masterclass only once.
- To achieve diversity within the course, regional and gender balance, expertise, and specialties of applicants will be taken into consideration.
A group of up to 50 participants will be selected by the Masterclass Faculty in a review process in July 2024. All applicants will be notified shortly after the review is completed.
An adequate level of English is essential to be able to follow the content delivered and participate fully in the course.
Please note that these criteria have no absolute delimitations and no legal weight.
Selected participants will be notified via e-mail. A registration payment of € 300 is required to confirm the registration.
Application is closed.
- Top scientific programme including the latest training standards
- Online tutoring with direct interaction between VIP faculty and peers
- Course material
- Lunches and coffee breaks throughout the on-site course
All selected participants are required to attend the Masterclass in its entirety – online and on-site.
Please note that no travel or accommodation reimbursement will be provided. Attendees are responsible for making their own travel arrangements.
The face-to-face portion of the course will be held in Vienna, Austria. The exact venue location will be shared with participants in due time.